Word Fallacies: Why I Don’t Debate Semantics in Justice Work

<p>It happens all too often in activist circles: someone is telling about their experience of having a traditionally oppressed identity, or, during a webinar, a facilitator uses a phrase that may be new to the person hearing it.</p> <p>&ldquo;Excuse me,&rdquo; you&rsquo;ll here, &ldquo;Are those really the right words to describe what you&rsquo;re talking about?&rdquo;</p> <p>Most often, this comes up around phrases in social justice that are unfamiliar or evoke strong emotions. Perhaps they think &ldquo;white privilege&rdquo; means that no white people have a tough life or that talking about &ldquo;white supremacy&rdquo; means we&rsquo;re accusing all white people individually of being racist or, even worse, implying they affiliate with hate groups.</p> <p><a href="https://crothbauer.medium.com/word-fallacies-why-i-dont-debate-semantics-in-justice-work-4c42a9262944"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>