We’re Choking On Our Words

<p>My words are failing me. Writing, of course, is only a proxy for understanding the world. But, as it teeters on a precipice, I&rsquo;m trying to find words to make sense of it. No matter what our politicians tell us, the world is not black and white. Instead, it&rsquo;s full of grays. We encounter these shades of gray daily but are often blind to them. They&rsquo;re messy and don&rsquo;t make our world easy to understand. And our words reflect that. We&rsquo;re frustrated and lash out without thinking. It&rsquo;s easier to believe what we want to believe without questioning.</p> <p>Reactionary rhetoric has subsumed logic and intelligent commentary. Truth and discourse are eroding. &ldquo;Alternative facts,&rdquo; said with straight faces, are maddening. Words are given no respect; we toss them around with little thought but with a lot of anger. This is happening across the political spectrum, and finding our voices has become more difficult. That&rsquo;s why so many are yelling.</p> <p>Social media magnifies this by acting as an extremist megaphone. In reality, the United States is a centrist country. But our political structures divide us, reducing our collective voices into Gerrymandered congressional districts and Electoral College votes and via a flawed primary system that accentuates intolerance. Fear fuels our elections and governance.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/were-choking-on-our-words-f269118aa90"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Words Choking