Tag: Word

Productivity Is the Buzz Word, Efficiency Is the True Art

10 life-changing productivity tools. Why creating a meaningful morning routine will make you more productive. Top 10 Elon Musk productivity secrets for insane success. I’m sure you came across many such headlines, and I will immediately stop that kind of lingo right now. Because hones...

25-Word Reviews of 25 Comics… One Last Time

Even I can admit, Dear Reader, that the 25-word reviews of 25 ___ formula ain’t exactly a spring chicken anymore. We’ve done it with fantasy and sci-fi books, we’ve done it with superhero video games, we’ve done it with progressive rock albums — we&r...

25-Word Reviews of 25 MORE Comics

Yes indeed, Dear Reader: it’s that time once again. This will bring our count to 75 comics (read 1–25 here and 26–50 here). Who knows? Maybe we’ll get to 100 at some point. Zod knows I’ve read more than that in my lifetime, so there are plenty of “b...

Love: it's meaning and definition in general and in Islam

Love seems a very hard word to define. A lot of people ask the question “what is love?” and many people have an answer related to emotion. According to psychology, however, thoughts precede our emotions. We feel things related to our thoughts. There may be an element of choice in love th...

What Is a Woman? (a response)

Almost every single word in the dictionary has multiple (sometimes well over a dozen) definitions. We intuitively understand that words can have different meanings or evoke different ideas depending on the context. In a genetics class, if I talked about a woman, you might think of XX chromosomes; in...

The power of one small word

I read others stories and often marvel at the strength of will people have. For me I thought I too was a strong woman, quite capable of negotiating my way through the urban jungle of my existence. Some people seem to be secure in their minds that they can deflect the most mean of barbs. Oh, how I...

Word Reiki

May the music of the spheres escort you to a turquoise-ringed planet of rose quartz and tenacity, cloud-covered with trust May you catch falling stars then carry them carefully in your pocket until they hatch – orbs sprouting caladrius wings Website

Legal Applications of Neural Word Embeddings

A fundamental issue with LegalTech is that words — the basic currency of all legal documentation — are a form of unstructured data that cannot be intuitively understood by machines. Therefore, in order to process textual documents, words have to be represented by vectors of real numbers....

When Words Matter

Predicating this prompt was our class’s viewing of Steven Spielberg’s 2012 film Lincoln. In that film two historical moments formed the crux of our class discussion and thus, the Thoreau-inspired writing prompt. The first of these moments, during the midst of the Civil War, was L...

Is ‘Colored’ an Important Distinction or Just Another Word for ‘Black’?

What makes someone “Black” or “colored” cannot be measured definitively on a color-coded scale because race is a social construct, not a genetic one. It was the 18th-century Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus who constructed and promoted the idea of race, portrayin...

Slavery is Not a Word for Children

For Black History Month, I just wanted to drop a note on just a brief observation on the white labelling and framing of black American history. Sometimes after years of study it often seems to me at time that white people are supposed to look and choose, if forced to, on “heroes” of blac...

Word Fallacies: Why I Don’t Debate Semantics in Justice Work

It happens all too often in activist circles: someone is telling about their experience of having a traditionally oppressed identity, or, during a webinar, a facilitator uses a phrase that may be new to the person hearing it. “Excuse me,” you’ll here, “Are those really the...

How A Javanese Word Became Part of The English Language

The Javanese account A local account of the disaster was captured in the Javanese book Panjeblugipun Redi Kelut (The Eruption of Mount Kelut) by Dayawiyata and Yudakusuma. It was written 40 days after the event. I read it in 2018. The book on Panjeblugipun Redi Kelut. Cover&...

Enabling is an abusive word these days.

People who have loved ones that suffer from problematic drug use are in enough pain as it is. They don’t need an armchair parent or friend sitting on the sidelines warning them against the evils of enabling. Don’t get me wrong. I believe in having healthy boundaries and protecting o...

Awesome R Markdown Word report with programmatically inserted headings, outputs and cross-references

What is R: R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing data analysis software. What is R Markdown : R Markdown is a tool designed to help create reproducible, dynamic reports with R. An R Markdown document is written in markdown (an easy-to-write plain t...

Meaning of the word Adesh

In “Siddha-siddhanta-paddhati” Gorakshanath says that “Adesh” means unity between Atma, Jivatma and Paramatma. People in their usual state of mind don`t realize this unity, because of this all the problems appear. Paramatma is Supreme Soul or Spirit that exists in all li...

Word Connections: Left & Right

When the words “left” and “right” are presented as a pair, we immediately think of their meanings as opposites — two opposite directions, or two opposite sides of a person or object. For example, we may think of turning left versus turning right. Or we may think of the ...

Word Connections: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

In this episode of Word Connections, we look at the words we use to identify the principal meals of the day, and how these words have changed over time. Furthermore, we examine why each of the meals was given its particular name. In addition to examining the English words, we also look els...

The Sanskrit word for war: the scene in Arrival, explained

The movie’s main character, Dr. Louise Banks, a professor of linguistics, is confronted by US Army Colonel Weber to do some alien translations but is rejected when Dr. Banks tells the Colonel she’ll need to interact with the aliens to gain any real information. At this, the Colonel leave...

Why Do English and Spanish Both Have “No”?

Despite some similar vocabulary, Spanish and English aren’t closely related languages. Spanish is a Romance language that came from Latin. English, on the other hand, is a Germanic language and is more closely related to Dutch or German than it is Spanish. The fact that English and Spanish ...