The power of one small word

<p>I read others stories and often marvel at the strength of will people have. For me I thought I too was a strong woman, quite capable of negotiating my way through the urban jungle of my existence.</p> <p>Some people seem to be secure in their minds that they can deflect the most mean of barbs. Oh, how I wish I was one.</p> <p>I started this year determined that trans was an old thing, that I was done transitioning and had embarked on the rest of my life as a woman. I felt strong, clear, happy and sure.</p> <p>Sadly, it is a house of cards. My old frailties lie just beneath what , it turns out is a facade. One word and my confidence lies shattered on the floor. I feel insecure, uncertain, exposed, a fraud.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Small Word