Meaning of the word Adesh

<p>In &ldquo;Siddha-siddhanta-paddhati&rdquo; Gorakshanath says that &ldquo;Adesh&rdquo; means unity between Atma, Jivatma and Paramatma. People in their usual state of mind don`t realize this unity, because of this all the problems appear.&nbsp;Paramatma is Supreme Soul or Spirit that exists in all living creatures and is beyond any limitations. Atma is an eternal individual soul that is transcendental by its nature and beyond the limits of forms. Jivatma is an eternal soul incarnated in the body. The level of awareness of Atman depends on interconnection with Paramatma Jivatma, in first place, means awareness of the body that is identical to the universe (Brahmanda). Nathas consider outer world as the state of one`s spiritual energy. Kaya-sadhana and yoga help to realize this identity. However, given perception of the world, soul and Supreme Soul comes not at once but in the process of yoga practice. Adesh is a focus on this, was following the path of mystical vision when all illusionary limits disappear.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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