Why Do English and Spanish Both Have “No”?

<p>Despite some similar vocabulary, Spanish and English aren&rsquo;t closely related languages. Spanish is a Romance language that came from Latin. English, on the other hand, is a Germanic language and is more closely related to Dutch or German than it is Spanish.</p> <p>The fact that English and Spanish share some similar words isn&rsquo;t surprising. Languages are constantly borrowing words from other languages. When there&rsquo;s a gap in one language, its speakers might take a word from another language to fill it.</p> <p>But&nbsp;<em>no&nbsp;</em>isn&rsquo;t a place where you&rsquo;d suspect a language to have a gap. It&rsquo;s a pretty basic word in both English and Spanish. It&rsquo;s one that we all use every day. And it somehow has similar meanings in both languages. How did two largely unrelated languages end up with such a similar word?</p> <p><a href="https://haleykeller.medium.com/why-do-english-and-spanish-both-have-no-edcaa4466d80"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: similar Word