Tag: Western

Western vs. Eastern Economics: The Grand Chessboard of Global Finance

1. The Opening Moves: Foundations of Economic Philosophy Chess: In the opening phase of a chess game, players attempt to control the center of the board, develop their pieces efficiently, and maintain a solid and flexible pawn structure. These foundational moves, while sometimes appearing mu...

What has Anime done to Contemporary Western Art

The public’s attitudes toward Anime has gradually changed as Japanese Anime, and Eastern Asian anime in general expanded its influence into major line theaters in the past few years. No matter how much professionals and art lovers loath or admire the mingling of anime art and contemporary west...

Street Art In Western Montana

Above is a photo of a mural on the side of a dilapidated building in Hot Springs, Montana, twenty minutes from my hometown. The town is in a forgotten corner of the Flathead Indian Reservation and is one of the poorest in the state. Yet you won’t find graffiti or tagging anywhere, as you mi...

This Ain’t Your Granddad’s Western

The Foglands is an upcoming atmospheric roguelike that puts you at the reins of a tall tale. In a mysterious world covered with thick Fog, humans have been driven into sparsely-populated strongholds to survive. Runners are the brave few who step outside the Hold to scavenge for materials and resourc...

What Happens To Your Property in Western Sydney?

Ifyou live in Western Sydney, you might wonder how the new airport will affect the noise levels in your area. The Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport is expected to open in 2026 and will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The airport will cater to both domestic and inter...

After the deposition, of the last Western Roman emperor, ( 476 A.D

Following the deposition of Romulus Augustulus, the Western Roman Empire, which was de facto limited by then to Italy and little more, ceased to exist as a political entity and was replaced in Italy by the “governorship” of the patrician Odoacer, as the representative of the sole imperia...

What Happens To Your Property in Western Sydney?

Ifyou live in Western Sydney, you might wonder how the new airport will affect the noise levels in your area. The Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport is expected to open in 2026 and will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The airport will cater to both domestic and inter...

Inokashira Park is the hidden paradise of Western Tokyo

Perhaps I was just in the right place at the right time, but Inokashira Park truly displayed a serene vibe like no other. In the autumn months of October and November, the park turns from lush green to golden brown and red, with a cool breeze rustling the trees and blowing the leaves th...

A rare Western Tanager and other New York City birds in late autumn

A Western Tanager — generally unexpected anywhere east of Colorad0 — is visiting downtown Manhattan, and it’s the first of its kind seen here since the spring of 2008. The bird is hanging out at City Hall Park, a historic site between Tribeca and the Brooklyn Bridge, and there, hig...

Denialism and the Mental and Moral Collapse of Western Civilization

Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S. Supposedly. Thanksgiving? Well … not so much anymore. While I am personally still safe and outwardly ‘comfortable’ — for now — my baseline mental and emotional health seem to be … slipping. F...

Dear Western ‘Feminist’

mornings of winter sunshine and evening fires warm my heart these days but some things leave my heart cold and give a bad taste in my mouth it’s you, Western women and men who say from their safe homes some women need to proof sexual violence and others don’t Israeli women ...

‘The Drover’s Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson’ Is a Real Western

I love Australian and British TV shows and films. I often find them to be better and more thought-provoking than what Hollywood is churning out here at home. Plus, I learn about other countries and cultures, though what I usually find is that we’re really not that different, and we’re...

Are Men Losing Faith In Western Women?

Modern romance navigates a nuanced landscape. Gone are the days of rigid gender roles and prescribed courtship rituals. Today, we celebrate the rise of the empowered woman, the champion of her own destiny. Yet, amidst this progress, a sense of disconnect seems to linger. Communication feels like ...

My 1L Experience at Western Law

Over the past eight months, I completed my first year of law school. It was difficult and challenging, to say the least. I moved to a new city where I only knew two people, met tons of new faces, was thrown into six courses, given 100+ pages of reading per week, and challenged with learning new topi...

3 Reasons for the Ivey HBA/JD Program at Western

You’ve likely come across the classic reasons for pursuing a dual degree program; increased career prospects, accelerated timeline, cost savings and transition to the industry early. These are all persuasive reasons for the Ivey HBA/JD Program at Western University as well. However, if you&rsq...

Guns: From an Agrarian Tool to a Clint Eastwood Western

Here’s a little-known historical fact: Northwood had turkey shoots in the hardscrabble 1950s before the flat-landers flocked here, when farming was dying, houses could be bought for back taxes, and land could be had for one hundred dollars an acre. Here’s what I remember through the fog ...

The Decline of Western Democracy

Western democracies have a rich historical context, dating back to ancient Greece and the Roman Republic. The Enlightenment and the French and American Revolutions further solidified the principles of democracy, emphasizing individual rights, freedom, and equality. Over the years, Western democracie...

Bookmarked: A Western Fantasy Flash Fiction Story

The barren branches clawed at Temper’s back like an angry bobcat, and the cold November wind stabbed his lungs like knives. But with a gentle tap from Billy’s spurs, the midnight steed streaked across the open plain toward destiny. Up ahead not more than few hundred yards, Ayita waite...

Western Cultures of Hierarchy, Environmental Racism and the Climate Crisis

Sociologists are particularly interested in the relationship between culture and social structure. I would argue that sociologists take a different approach to culture than anthropologists — for us, the focus is on how culture functions to maintain social organization ...

Breaking Down the Emasculation of Asian Men in Western Media

For decades, Asian men have been emasculated in Western media, particularly in the United States. They have been portrayed as weak, effeminate, and lacking masculinity, perpetuating harmful stereotypes that have contributed to discrimination and racism against the Asian community. This stereotype...

9 African Leaders Assassinated by Western Powers

Throughout the annals of time, Africa has borne witness to the emergence of extraordinary leaders who fervently championed independence and self-determination, etching an indelible mark on the pages of history. Tragically, the narratives of these visionaries were interrupted, their paths scarred by ...

The Inuvialuit: The Ice People of Canada’s Western Arctic

Navigating Inuvialuit Seasonal Cycles As spring’s soft light returns after months of darkness, the Inuvialuit people of Canada’s Western Arctic eagerly prepare to traverse the land and frozen ocean as their ancestors have for over a thousand years. Generations have moved across this h...

Indigenous Plant Medicine and the Western World

I have been deeply listening to the feedback and response to what was shared on Gaia TV. This post highlights an essential conversation regarding cultural appropriation, suppression of indigenous voices, and “whiteness” in relation to speaking on plant medicine — specifically Ayahu...

The Waif Bias and the Illusion of Western Civilization

Itturns out that Blacks in Africa have been hiding their advanced intelligence for almost half a million years. Whites have only recently struggled to evolve mentally to catch up as those of Black African Descent have patiently waited. White in Northeast Europe of Ango-Saxon Descent in particular ha...

My Six-Year-Old Wasn’t That Into Music and it Worried Me a Little

Igrew up in Western Europe during the Cold War, something that is starting to be more and more fun to say. At the end of 2023, my son is six-and-a-half years old. I am lucky and grateful for having grown up in the time that I did. In the decades before the Internet many magical technological things ...

Food and Power in the Western World

Audrey Richards (1932) is renowned as one of the foremost ground-breaking social anthropologists to merge the rigid boundaries between the natural and social sciences. An avid student of Malinowski’s, Richards was eager to learn his teachings on how social behaviour cannot be explained by scie...

On the Ghosts of Western Philosophy

Many philosophers of different schools have critiqued society and attempted to offer us ways out, but they all seem like dead ends. At this point in time, it may be considered whether these ghosts of the past hold any answers, may they return from the underworld and offer us a path home, or will the...

Reasons behind the widespread adoption of western clothing

I think that the global popularity of Western fashion has something to do with notions of perceived modernism versus traditionalism. Western clothing is often thought to be more modern than Eastern* clothing. This is probably because: 1.Its introduction to the East is relatively recent compared t...

Makeup for Men: Korean vs Western

Ever since the K-Wave in the mid 2000’s, many of Korea’s male artistes have been the main trendsetters for men’s makeup with their own unique style and look. To pull it off, here are the different things you need: i) SPF Sunscreen + SPF Primers: Want to know how Korean men ...

Makeup for Men: Korean vs Western

Ever since the K-Wave in the mid 2000’s, many of Korea’s male artistes have been the main trendsetters for men’s makeup with their own unique style and look. To pull it off, here are the different things you need: i) SPF Sunscreen + SPF Primers: Want to know how Korean men ...

Why Western Muslims Stop Learning Arabic

I am a professional ‘false beginner’. A decade of course-hopping to be exact. The Collins dictionary describes a false beginner as “a language student who has some knowledge of a language, but who needs to start again from the beginning”. ...