Western Cultures of Hierarchy, Environmental Racism and the Climate Crisis

<p>Sociologists are particularly interested in the relationship between&nbsp;<strong>culture</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>social structure</strong>. I would argue that sociologists take a different approach to culture than anthropologists &mdash; for us, the focus is on how culture functions to maintain social&nbsp;<strong>organization</strong>&nbsp;(structure). We looked at how culture produces&nbsp;<strong>solidarity</strong>&nbsp;to specific&nbsp;<strong>structural</strong>&nbsp;arrangements, including unequal arrangements, which is reflected in the concept of&nbsp;<strong>hegemony</strong>. Now we are putting that framework into action by applying it to the climate crisis and institutional racism.&nbsp;<strong><em>The question is, what role does culture play in producing and prolonging both institutional racism and the climate crisis?</em></strong></p> <p>Here&rsquo;s the sociological map: Structure produces supportive cultures &rarr; we are&nbsp;<strong>socialized</strong>&nbsp;into those cultures &rarr; we act in ways that reinforce the social structure.</p> <p><a href="https://mledwards-15.medium.com/western-cultures-of-hierarchy-environmental-racism-and-the-climate-crisis-9810d007a5f1"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>