After the deposition, of the last Western Roman emperor, ( 476 A.D

<p>Following the deposition of Romulus Augustulus, the Western Roman Empire, which was de facto limited by then to Italy and little more, ceased to exist as a political entity and was replaced in Italy by the &ldquo;governorship&rdquo; of the patrician Odoacer, as the representative of the sole imperial power, the one based in Constantinople.<br /> Yes, although many do not know it, Italy was then &ldquo;degraded&rdquo; to the status of a province of the Eastern Roman Empire, ruled by the Patrician Odoacer, king not of Italy, but king only of the barbarian mercenary force, composed mostly of Heruli, stationed in Italy to &ldquo;defend&rdquo; the country from the barbarians.</p> <p>The last moment of &lsquo;splendour&rsquo; of the Western Roman Empire was under Majoran, who attempted to refound the empire and bring the barbarian &lsquo;allies&rsquo; into line.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Western Roman