Bookmarked: A Western Fantasy Flash Fiction Story

<p>The barren branches clawed at Temper&rsquo;s back like an angry bobcat, and the cold November wind stabbed his lungs like knives. But with a gentle tap from Billy&rsquo;s spurs, the midnight steed streaked across the open plain toward destiny.</p> <p>Up ahead not more than few hundred yards, Ayita waited for Billy, and once he had her in his arms, he&rsquo;d never let go.</p> <p>But Akando&rsquo;s horses thundered close behind, and Billy knew the chief would not allow his daughter to leave without a fight. Already, the men were shouting orders to each other, and arrows zipped past Billy&rsquo;s head. The deadly stone tips thwapped into trunks, and feathers brushed against his ears.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>