Guns: From an Agrarian Tool to a Clint Eastwood Western

<p>Here&rsquo;s a little-known historical fact: Northwood had turkey shoots in the hardscrabble 1950s before the flat-landers flocked here, when farming was dying, houses could be bought for back taxes, and land could be had for one hundred dollars an acre. Here&rsquo;s what I remember through the fog of time:</p> <p>Because my father was an avid hunter with superb aim, he was drawn like a bear to honey to these local get-togethers. Boys competed against each other for prizes, firing .22 caliber rifles at paper targets. Meanwhile, the men took turns shooting at clay pigeons (round disks flung at high speed from a mechanical launcher).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>