Tag: Traditions

Japan in Autumn: A Living Painting of Colors and Traditions

Autumn in Japan is a real spectacle for the senses, a time when nature reveals its rich palette of colors in an absolutely mesmerizing way. In this land of contrasts, autumn brings a stunning transfiguration of the landscape, while ancient traditions continue to be honored and an integral part of th...

Immersing in Dubai’s Local Culture: Unveiling Emirati Traditions

Dubai, the bustling metropolitan city in the United Arab Emirates, is not only known for its modern skyscrapers and luxurious lifestyle but also for its rich traditional Emirati culture. In this blog, we will explore Dubai’s local customs and traditions, giving you a deeper understanding of th...

Celebrating Eid ul Fitr in Pakistan: Traditions and Festivities

Chand Raat: The Night of the Moon Eid ul Fitr festivities in Pakistan begin with the sighting of the moon, which signals the end of Ramadan. The night before Eid is known as Chand Raat, which means “Night of the Moon.” On this night, people gather in markets and shopping centers to bu...

The Ideas of Carl Jung in Relation to Other Traditions — Hinduism

This is the latest in a series about the ideas of Carl Jung. I am currently discussing the parallels between his thinking and other religions. Having previously discussed Sufism, Taoism, and a brief excursion into Kabbalah (for details and links to articles please click the link above), I now t...

New Holiday Traditions

Holidays are more than just dates on the calendar; they are an embodiment of culture, values, and cherished memories. As societies become increasingly diverse, the opportunity to integrate new holiday traditions into celebrations such as Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Hanukkah arise. Em...

On the Esoteric Traditions

In order to communicate my experiences, my life, it would be much easier to use this historical, traditional, pre-fabricated memetic structure, that world we have somehow found ourselves in, that symbolic universe that we share. But is much as I tried, as much as I tried to fall asleep by drinkin...

Learning traditions

My experience as a Native American was shaped long before I was born. It began among the Cherokee and Kiowa tribes, into which my grandmother and grandfather were born, but it radically shifted when they were sent away from their families to government boarding schools. That is where they met. But i...

Why Some Asian Traditions Need a Modern Makeover

Chugging Along on the Culture Train First off, Asian traditions are a buffet of diversity. You’ve got everything from the loud, boisterous lion dances during Lunar New Year to the serene, ritualistic tea ceremonies in Japan. They’re beautiful, they’...

Unveiling the Pagan Origins of Lent: A Journey into Ancient Rituals and Traditions

As the spring season approaches, many around the world prepare for the observance of Lent, a period of spiritual reflection, repentance, and preparation for the celebration of Easter in Christian traditions. However, delving deeper into the history of Lent reveals a tapestry woven with threads of an...

10 Ancient Egyptian Traditions You Can Still Experience Today

Ancient Egyptians used to sit on the ground while eating, with one knee raised off the ground and the back unsupported. They ate three meals a day, one of which was a family meal. In addition, the dining table of the ancient Egyptians had its rituals in their daily meals. Bread and beer...

Cultural New Year Traditions from Around the World

As the calendar flips to a new year, various cultures around the globe partake in unique and vibrant traditions, each reflecting their heritage and hopes for the year ahead. Let’s embark on a journey to explore some of these fascinating New Year customs. Brazil: The Colorful Carnival of New...

Beyond the Binary: Paiute Traditions on Gender and Spirituality

Diverse cultures have always held unique and enlightening perspectives. This past July, a few of us got together, and our good friend Dean Barlese, a pillar in the Paiute community, opened up about the Paiute take on gender and spiritual duties. It was one of those heartwarming evenings where storie...

7 Censored Traditions That Are Kept Secret from the World

In today’s global village, there are hundreds of diverse cultures. There exists a variety of languages, cuisines, and much more. Among these cultural artifacts, there are also traditional practices that are unique to all cultures. Let’s look at 7 such traditions that will make your to...

‘Step Into My Office’ and Other Untraditional Family Traditions

We’ve never really been ones for tradition,” my family says. Hold up. Yes, we have. We may not have noticed they were traditions, but they certainly exist. There are the typical holiday traditions of course: There’s an ornament from Germany of a little lad climbing a strin...

Exploring ‘Elastic Time’ in Ancient Spiritual Traditions

In many ancient spiritual traditions, time is not understood as a fixed, linear idea, but rather as a fluid and elastic force that may be controlled and experienced in many ways. This idea of ‘elastic time’ is common in civilizations throughout the world and has a profound spiritual valu...

Thar Desert Traditions

The Thar Desert in Pakistan isn't just about endless sand and scorching sun. It's a place brimming with culture, where traditions have been around for hundreds of years. Let's explore some of the cool stuff that makes Thar special: Ralli Quilts: A Work of Art: Thar's women are fam...

Disclosing Unknown Local West African Traditions and Holidays

West Africa is an area rich in many customs and civilizations, each having its own distinctive manner of commemorating and marking important life events. Even while certain customs and festivals are well-known and observed, many others are kept in the local communities but are less well-known. Th...

All the Wedding Traditions I Ignored

Modern weddings are a weird clash of cultural expectations that have accumulated over centuries. While wedding etiquette and meaningful family traditions are important to many people, some classic rules are outdated, needlessly expensive, or just sexist. My husband and I threw the rulebook out th...

Easter and Family Traditions

I recall Easters when there was snow on the ground, and I remember Easters when it was warm enough to wear a floral spring dress to Sunday Mass. This holiday revolved around the church growing up. My parents were split in the religious beliefs and practices. While the religions they aligned with wer...

It’s Okay To Say No to Traditions That Don’t Work for You Anymore

The buzz of the holiday season is already upon us, and this time of year is challenging for those of us in recovery. We’re inundated with demands to buy or do things for others, and fake smiles and messages of cheer pollute our fields of vision. All we want is some time and space for ourselves...

Easter traditions in Germany

The Easter Egg Hunt is a longstanding German Easter Sunday tradition, in which German children search for hard-boiled coloured eggs, chocolate bunnies, mini eggs or nests filled with the latter. In some parts of Germany, children collect moss and flowers in the forest on Good Friday and build Eas...

5 Philippine Traditions That Are Slowly Forgotten

Mano or pagmamano is an “honoring-gesture” used in Filipino culture performed as a sign of respect to elders and as a way of requesting a blessing from the elder. Similar to hand-kissing, the person giving the greeting bows towards the hand of the elder and presses his or her forehead on...

Endangered Traditions

“Where do you want me to put these?” I asked my elderly aunt as I brought a set of old boxes from her loft down to her living room. They contained the ornamental items you see in my photo above. They looked new, but they were all purchased over 20 years ago soon after the birth of my cou...

How to Break 3 Unhealthy Holiday Traditions

I know what we’ve been told. But let’s be real: This often isn’t the most wonderful time of the year. It can be, however, the most uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no scrooge. I love a sugar cookie, the smell of Fraser fir, and the nostalgia evoked...


Cebu City is not only known for its history, but also in its own customs and tradition. The beliefs, customs, and traditions of the Cebuanos are rooted in the Spanish Culture and American Influences, but even so, the Cebuanos continue to preserve their culture of being Filipino. This is evident in t...

Greek Traditions: Don’t Follow the Recipe

When it comes to food, Greeks take matters into their own hands. That means they don’t follow recipes…they create their own recipes! For one thing, they don’t really measure quantities. 3 tablespoons of butter can easily turn into 6, 1 cup of sugar can easily turn into 2 ...

Peeing on bus tires and other Russian & American spaceflight traditions and superstitions

Imagine you’re an astronaut or a cosmonaut and you’ll soon be launching to space from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Your launch day has finally arrived, you’re suited up, and ready to head to the launch pad — but there’s at least one more thing you’ll nee...

The Essence of Dance and Music in Congolese Traditions

The Democratic Republic of Congo, rich in cultural and ethnic diversity, stands out for its deeply rooted musical and dance traditions. These artistic expressions, ranging from Pygmy dances and songs to the Mutuashi dance, through Bakongo rituals and Bantu celebrations, offer a fascinating glimps...

Greek Traditions: Weddings in Santorini

Santorini is my all-time favorite island in Greece. I have been going there ever since I was a kid. For me, it’s the most romantic place in the world, hands down. I have attended many weddings in Santorini, and I thought it would be nice to share some related traditions. For starters, we...

“Embracing Tradition: The Curious Case of Spitting in Greek Culture”

In a world where spitting on someone is universally condemned as a gross insult, there exists a place where the act takes on an entirely different meaning — Greece. Surprisingly, in Greek culture, spitting isn’t a sign of disrespect; instead, it’s regarded as a potent symbol of goo...

5 Unique Easter Traditions Around the World

“Hey everyone, and welcome back to our channel! With Easter just around the corner, it’s time to dive into the fascinating world of Easter traditions. Today, we’re exploring five unique Easter traditions celebrated around the globe. Let’s hop right into it!” Easter B...

Greek Traditions: Evil Eye (Matiasma)

If you answered yes to all the above questions (or at least one), and you live in Greece, chances are you are hexed with the evil eye also known as ‘’matiasmenos’’. It works like this: A person can see something, for example a baby, and starts thinking how beautiful the ba...

10 Meaningful Traditions to Start with Your Kids Before It’s Too Late

Time with our children is precious and fleeting, and it’s important to create lasting memories and traditions that they will cherish for a lifetime. Starting traditions with your kids not only strengthens family bonds but also creates a sense of belonging and stability. From simple rituals to ...

Unlocking the Essence of Iftar: A Guide to the Meaning, Traditions, and Significance

Welcome to a journey into the heart of Iftar, a cherished tradition observed by Muslims around the world during the holy month of Ramadan. In this guide, we delve into the rich tapestry of Iftar, exploring its spiritual significance, time-honored rituals, and cultural expressions that unite communit...

Redefining Traditions: The Filipino American Entrepreneur’s Impact on the Iconic Balikbayan Box

How can an immigrant community in the United States craft a tradition that not only showcases familial success, but also evolves into its own unique subculture? The Balikbayan box is a quintessential tradition among Filipinos overseas, a package filled with an array of goods sent from the diaspora b...

My Christmas Tradition Is Odd. Just The Way I Like It.

I’m a sucker for odd family traditions. The kinds of things you don’t see peeping through the windows of every other house on Christmas morning. I love the unique and the bizarre. Truthfully, the perfectly decorated, everything-matching Christmas tree makes me vomit faster than chuggi...

5 Spanish New Year’s Eve Traditions

The countdown to New Year’s is on! New Year’s Eve is a very special celebration in Spain. There are a lot of special traditions to welcome the new year that you might not know about. You may have heard of “lucky grapes,” but luck, love and prosperity in Spain c...

Traditions in Mexico: Exploring Culture, Food, and Dance

Alright, let’s get to the essence! Picture this: You’re enveloped in the intoxicating sounds of mariachi music, captivated by dance groups performing Mexico’s national dance — the Mexican Hat Dance — in the heart of bustling Mexico City. Hold that thought! Add in Day of...