All the Wedding Traditions I Ignored

<p>Modern weddings are a weird clash of cultural expectations that have accumulated over centuries. While wedding etiquette and meaningful family traditions are important to many people, some classic rules are outdated, needlessly expensive, or just sexist.</p> <p>My husband and I threw the rulebook out the window when it came to our New Year&rsquo;s wedding. Everything from the day we chose (a Monday&nbsp;<em>and&nbsp;</em>a holiday?!) to the dress to the music was chosen based on our taste without regard to &lsquo;the right way&rsquo; to do things &mdash; and we&rsquo;re happy that we did!</p> <p>Here are all the wedding traditions we ignored or tweaked to suit us, and how it went:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>