Tag: Tiny

5 Tiny Habits For Sustainable Weight Loss I Religiously Follow

Growing up, I was always the heavier kid in my class and struggled with body image issues. I constantly yo-yoed with my weight, trying every diet and exercise plan under the sun, but nothing seemed to stick. From fad diets to intense workout regimens, I’ve tried it all and have often f...

5 Tiny Habits to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time

Most people think time is your most precious resource. It’s not. It’s your energy. If you’re tired, sick, or unable to move without pain, having time won’t necessarily help. Instead, you’ll wish you had more energy to actually ...

Tiny Mass Games — Season 4 Devlog

I currently don’t have a ton to show in terms of cool visuals or screenshots at the moment but I’ve been steadily working on my game and wanted to share a little progress. This is the first project that I have done in Godot so everything has been going a little bit slower than I original...

10 Tips for Maximizing Minimalist Aesthetics in Tiny Spaces

It’s Ava again. While I might be living in what feels like an overpriced closet by Midwest standards, I’ve found joy and creativity in every square foot of my abode. Today, I’m gonna show you how to channel those minimalist aesthetics for maximum impact in your tiny homes. Trust me...

The Tiny NGO That Changed Reporting On Rio’s Favelas During The Olympics

“RRat kids” digging through garbage. Millions of people squatting “in huts amid sewage and sorrow.” “A world of youth gangs, violent crime and drug dealing” that represents a “no-go zone.” These were among the descriptions of Rio’s fave...

An Architecture of the Heart

It has always been my dream to live in a tiny house. With the difference to other dreams I don‘t think of this dream as being impossible. I wonder why not more of us connect our living lifestyles to the pleasure a tiny house could give. And why are we so uncreative when it comes to building ou...

Time to Give Up Living in a Tiny Home

I have enthusiastically praised living in a tiny home for most of the last two years. In our case, we went from a three-bedroom, two-bathroom, 1600-square-foot home to a small, one-bedroom, one-bathroom, 588-square-foot home in Arizona in August 2021. At the time, it seemed like the perfect choic...

Tiny Zen #1 — Nothing to Attain

An empty mind is the mind of myth Emptying one’s mind isn’t altogether possible. Our mind’s sole purpose is to help us survive; it accomplishes this by generating upwards of 50,000 thoughts daily. In meditation practice, they arise; unless we engage with them (like a d...

We’ve Chosen a Tiny Christmas

Afew days ago, I asked folks to tell me what kind of Christmas dinner traditions they had. I wanted to learn what other people did before making a decision about what sort of tradition I might be able to do as a single mom struggling with chronic disease and an especially disappointing lack of energ...

The Power of Tiny Distortions: Weak Lensing I

As we have discussed earlier, a significantly heavy mass can divert the path of light and create lens-like imaging. Still, the only difference in this effect is that the distortion is due to the gravitational influence of the heavier body. This creates a distortion or shearing effect in the object&#...

The Power of Tiny Distortions: Weak Lensing I

As we have discussed earlier, a significantly heavy mass can divert the path of light and create lens-like imaging. Still, the only difference in this effect is that the distortion is due to the gravitational influence of the heavier body. This creates a distortion or shearing effect in the object&#...

Why is Tiny Called Tiny and Large Called Large?

In my college, the group of people dealing with fingering and choking — of strings and cymbals, respectively — , aka the music band in colloquial terms, liked to call themselves ‘Synesthesia’. Well, I doubt if any of them did actually have a synesthetic experience (if...

The Power of Tiny Distortions: Weak Lensing II

Dark energy is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. It is a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to permeate all of space and is believed to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. Dark energy is estimated to make up about 68% of the total energy density of th...

The Best of Carl Jung — Condensed Into Tiny Sentences

“The world will ask who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you” There are many groups of people who love to dish out name tags, job titles, and labels. But it takes a brave soul to look within, ask questions, listen to their intuition, and seek refuge in their own he...

Microdosing Magic: How Tiny Psychedelic Doses Are Changing Lives

Welcome to the world of microdosing, where less is definitely more. This isn’t about tripping; it’s about tweaking your daily experience to unlock creativity, boost mindfulness, and improve your overall vibe. Let’s dive into how tiny doses of psychedelics could be your ticket to a ...