Why is Tiny Called Tiny and Large Called Large?

<p>In my college, the group of people dealing with fingering and choking &mdash; of strings and cymbals, respectively &mdash; , aka the music band in colloquial terms, liked to call themselves&nbsp;<em>&lsquo;Synesthesia&rsquo;</em>.</p> <p>Well, I doubt if any of them did actually have a synesthetic experience (if we exclude the experiments with herbs), but this name has a special relationship to music.</p> <p>You see, music is an art &mdash; and a musician is an artist &mdash; and many artists are synesthetes including&nbsp;<em>Billie Eilish,&nbsp;</em>and<em>&nbsp;Kanye West.&nbsp;</em>So were&nbsp;<em>Vincent Van Gogh&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Richard Feynman.</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illuminations-mirror/why-is-tiny-called-tiny-and-large-called-large-4c4fcef8728d"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Called Tiny