Tiny Zen #1 — Nothing to Attain

<h2>An empty mind is the mind of myth</h2> <p><strong>Emptying one&rsquo;s mind isn&rsquo;t altogether possible.</strong>&nbsp;Our mind&rsquo;s sole purpose is to help us survive; it accomplishes this by generating upwards of 50,000 thoughts daily. In meditation practice, they arise; unless we engage with them&nbsp;<em>(like a dog chasing a car)</em>, they will ultimately fall away. Labeling thoughts helps them dissipate. This is the nature of our sitting practice.</p> <h2>There is no enlightenment reward</h2> <p><strong>Waking up fully is a daily moment-by-moment practice.</strong>&nbsp;There is no&nbsp;<em>Santa moment</em>&nbsp;when we&rsquo;re rewarded with the shiny bauble of enlightenment from another dimension or a higher being. When we consider it carefully,&nbsp;<em>seeking</em>&nbsp;enlightenment is yet another form of attachment or clinging &mdash; wanting things to be different than they are. Our sitting meditation practice is a reward in itself.</p> <p><a href="https://bazmorris.medium.com/tiny-zen-1-nothing-to-attain-e65be0ed601f"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tiny Zen