Tag: Testing

Why Hypothesis Testing Should Take a Cue from Hamlet

If you’re a scientist or data professional, chances are that your hypothesis testing procedure lacks a crucial step that’s tragically — or tragicomically? — omitted from your typical coursework. Never fear, in this blog post I’ll show you the mi...

A/B Testing in Python

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method used in marketing, product development, and web design to compare two versions of something (typically a webpage, email, or application) to determine which one performs better. It’s a statistical approach to optimize various elements of a p...

Learn Unit Testing in Android by building a sample application

In the last article, I listed out the benefits of Unit Testing your applications. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to begin Unit Testing your Android Applications. If you haven’t checked out the previous article on why you should unit test your android app, th...

Android Unit Testing Basics

In mobile application development, we have many trending things which are in progress like MVVM, Jetpack, KMM(Kotlin Multiplatform), etc. Testing is one of the important and preferred things nowadays. Testing has become a crucial factor in development. There are multiple strategies for app testing. ...

AB Testing 101

I started my career as a software engineer at Applied Predictive Technologies (APT), which sold multi-million dollar contracts for sophisticated AB testing software to Fortune 500 clients and was acquired by Mastercard in 2015 for $600 million. So I’ve been involved in AB testing since the beg...

The NEAR Tasks Testing Journey Continues: Alpha Test Complete

The second round of testing NEAR Tasks has officially wrapped up and as we did with our Zero Test, we are here to share some of our results and what we’ve learned. The goal of this test was to ensure that NEAR Tasks could provide valuable information to task supply partners a...

Why Human Programmers Hate Testing But AIs Love It

In my opinion, the best use for AI-powered programming tools like GitHub Copilot is writing automated software tests. Today, we’ll explore why AI should handle unit & end-to-end (e2e) testing, so developers can focus on crafting accessible, stunning user experiences. First, we’...

Chi Square Test — Intuition, Examples, and Step-by-Step Calculation

You’ve probably heard of the term “Chi square test” at least once in your life if you have ever studied for the SAT, or worked in some science-related field. Chi-square test is used a lot in corporations, especially when making decisions involving, for instance, medical, product de...

How to Detect Data Drift with Hypothesis Testing

Data drift is a concern to anyone with a machine learning model serving live predictions. The world changes, and as the consumers’ tastes or demographics shift, the model starts receiving feature values different from what it has seen in training, which may result in unexpected outputs. Detect...

What’s new in Terraform 1.6: Testing!

HashiCorp recently made Terraform 1.6 generally available. Let’s get into it! terraform test Now module maintainers can write tests for Terraform native to HCL. I’ll be writing a separate, deeper-dive article on the ins and outs of terraform test syntax, but ...

What’s new in Terraform 1.6: Testing!

HashiCorp recently made Terraform 1.6 generally available. Let’s get into it! terraform test Now module maintainers can write tests for Terraform native to HCL. I’ll be writing a separate, deeper-dive article on the ins and outs of terraform test syntax, but ...

Testing Android Flows in ViewModel with Turbine

As it is common now, the correct architecture should contain decoupled layers. Inter-layer communication between them is done by streams, or in our case, flows, in Android. To make our solutions foolproof, we should create tests around every component, and the ViewModel is no exception. The more cha...

SwiftUI Testing: a Pragmatic Approach

Those traits are what the author calls “the four pillars of a good unit test”. And the interesting part is that we cannot maximize all of them. Some types of tests provide the best protection against regression and resistance to refactoring but with very slow feedback (like UI testing). ...

Practical iOS Penetration Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hi everyone, it’s been a while since I last wrote a blog. I’ve been busy with work, but now I’m excited to share with you my knowledge on iOS pen-testing. This blog covers everything from setting up your pen-testing environment to identifying vulnerabilities in iOS applications usi...

Mic testing 1, 2, 3. Can everyone hear me?

When video call became daily routine, I overlooked how it would sound on the other end. Was I too loud? In most cases, I hear people say “You are on mute”. There was no room to think about audio quality once the call started. Screen gets frozen. Voice of my colleague distorted like alien...

Software Testing: 6 best practices that small companies implement and 2 that they do not

A vast amount of physical and online literature preaches the benefits of adopting and implementing a comprehensive testing approach to any software development process, but incorporating a thorough testing strategy to a small or medium-sized company may present obstacles that are not easy to overcom...

DeTesting DeSantis, DeFending Drag, DeRiding Donation DeMands

Living in the navy-bluest part of a blue state within the Washington, DC Beltway provides a warm, soapy bubble of liberal like-mindedness. Separate incidents of violence and a bomb threat recently punctured this seemingly impenetrable liberal bubble. These recent events unders...

AVs in a sim city: What simulation testing is and what it isn’t

At Evocargo, we design and build electric autonomous vehicles (AVs) (Level 4 autonomy by SAE standard J3016_202104) and a logistics service to move cargo around industrial yards and large logistic hubs. Our experience of commercial in-hub exploitation shows that AVs hold enormous potential...

Rethinking Testing: The Pitfalls of Reusing Concrete Test Scenarios in Autonomous Driving Systems

Automated and autonomous driving systems are ever-evolving, pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve on the roads. However, this constant innovation and development pose significant challenges, especially when it comes to testing these systems. One of the prevailing practices in testing...

IQ Testing in Different Cultures: Unraveling the Nuances of Intellectual Assessment

The exploration of intelligence through IQ tests has been a subject of global intrigue and debate. These assessments, designed to gauge cognitive abilities, vary significantly across different cultural landscapes. This variance raises critical questions about the nature of intelligence and the fairn...

Anonymous DNA Testing Is Here. But Who Wants It?

In mid-September, the startup Nebula Genomics announced it would be offering anonymous gene sequencing, which allows consumers to get their DNA tested without ever personally identifying themselves. The company is capitalizing on growing consumer distrust of genetic testing companies and fears&...

How Genetic Testing Will Change Healthcare

In the last years, scientists examined the effects of genes on drug metabolism. They found out that everyone has different mutations that alter the way we react to substances. As an example, many drugs are metabolized through CYPs. These enzymes, however, are more active in some populations, thus le...

Laboratory Testing — No Doctor Required?

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that I am a healthy 43-year old man. Nevertheless, I am interested in getting my Vitamin D level checked. My primary care doc says it’s unnecessary, but that doesn’t matter because a variety of direct-to-consumer testing companies will do it ...

Hypothesis Testing #1b — Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (K-S Test) using R

The K-S Test was named after two Russian statisticians from the era of the Russian Empire, Andrey Kolmogorov and Nikolai Smirnov. It was introduced in the 1930s, before World War II broke out. During that time, Joseph Stalin, who became the leader of the Soviet Union, imposed strict censorship on ac...

A/B Testing: A Complete Guide to Statistical Testing

A/B testing is one of the most popular controlled experiments used to optimize web marketing strategies. It allows decision makers to choose the best design for a website by looking at the analytics results obtained with two possible alternatives A and B. In this article we’ll see how ...

“From Null to Critical: A Hypothesis Testing Journey”

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) serves as the foundational step in understanding datasets. It entails the meticulous examination of data to unveil patterns, relationships, and critical insights. EDA is akin to detective work for data scientists, enabling them to form initial conclusions about the da...

T-test and Hypothesis Testing (Explained Simply)

Student’s t-tests are commonly used in inferential statistics for testing a hypothesis on the basis of a difference between sample means. However, people often misinterpret the results of t-tests, which leads to false research findings and a lack of reproducibility of studies. This problem exi...

Experimental Study in Tech: A/B Testing Structure

By conducting experiments on a small group of users (artificial intervention), estimate the causal effect of X intervention on business metric Y, to guide future company strategies. In tech industry, X can be new feature in web/app, new product or new promotion strategy etc. Y can be...

Unlocking the Mystery: Dive Deep Into the World of Hypothesis Testing in Statistics!

When I first encountered hypothesis testing in statistics during my early days in data science, it seemed like a complex concept. But over time, I’ve come to understand it as a fundamental tool for making decisions based on sample data. Essentially, hypothesis testing helps us draw conclusions...


QUALIFICATION OF CONTRACT TESTING LABORATORY The purpose of this SOP is to describe the procedure for selection, approval, and renewal of contract testing laboratory for testing/calibrations. SCOPE OF CONTRACT TESTING LABORATORY: This procedure is applicable for testing done at contract tes...

Questions about Anthropological Ethics in English Language Proficiency testing

These are examples (modified to preserve anonymity) of some parents’ discomfort and confusion when they learn that their student — in both cases, advanced speakers of English doing well without support from a language specialist — is required by the Department of Education (DOE) to...

Assessing Language Proficiency in Adult ESOL Learners: Beyond Traditional Testing

Abstract This article examines traditional methods of language proficiency assessment in adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) education, highlighting their limitations and the need for a more holistic approach. It argues that current assessment practices often fail to capture the ...