Why Human Programmers Hate Testing But AIs Love It
<p>In my opinion, the best use for AI-powered programming tools like GitHub Copilot is writing automated software tests.</p>
<p>Today, we’ll explore why AI should handle unit & end-to-end (e2e) testing, so developers can focus on crafting accessible, stunning user experiences.</p>
<p>First, we’ll look at AI-generated examples using Jest + React Testing Library for unit testing and Playwright Testing Library for end-to-end testing.</p>
<p>Then, we’ll discuss the psychology of testing to help understand why writing tests is such a point of contention.</p>
<p>Lastly, we’ll wrap up with some key takeaways about how you can best incorporate testing into your day-to-day work as a software engineer.</p>
<h1>Accessible Unit Tests: Jest and React Testing Library</h1>
<p>While writing complex components in React, it’s crucial to ensure their accessibility. Unit testing helps identify potential issues early.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/why-human-programmers-hate-testing-but-ais-love-it-5ed1dc50769d">Read More</a></p>
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