Tag: Taiwan

Why Does China Want Taiwan?

China is a massive powerhouse and has a grand economy. Why would China want to invade the very small island of Taiwan? It turns out that China has a very long history with Taiwan. China first officially owned the island in the 17th century under the Qing dynasty. But China had relations with Taiwan ...

Meet Our COP28 Delegates & Taiwan base team

Formally established in 2012, Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC) is a group of Taiwanese youths with a passion for environmental conservation and climate change issues. We are the first youth environmental NGO in Taiwan. Since 2008, we have participated in Conferences of Parties held under th...

Day 5 of 15 Days of Stills: Where to Find Taipei in Taiwan

Taipei is so often shrouded by politics of impending doom that its soul is often forgotten. It grows ever more difficult to ignore China’s geopolitical threats. Hong Kong’s protests and silences were heard by the world, so Taiwan should be no exception. One would expect an anxiety-ridden...

Revisited: Taiwan — Taipei 101

In 2004, Taipei 101 (formerly known as Taipei World Financial Centre) was declared the tallest building in the world. 101 floors high, it stands high above the rest of the buildings in Taiwan’s capital, and, pollution depending, can be visible for miles. Ironically the building it...

Taiwan — Why You Should Travel Here

A place conveniently located between Japan and the other countries in Southeast Asia that I was headed for. That changed pretty quickly as I started to read up on it’s history. I don’t know what it is, perhaps because it’s road to prosperity is so recent. You expect to be able to f...

Why are there so many scooters in Taiwan?

I recently finished my summer internship at AppWorks in Taipei and loved every minute of it. I met some genuinely good people, formed what I hope will be lifelong friendships, and learned an incredible amount from the best, who were always willing to teach. To everyone I met this summer who is readi...

Top 6 Free Job Posting Sites in Taiwan: The Best Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the top free job posting sites in Taiwan. If you’re an employer or a job seeker in this vibrant Asian country, you’ve come to the right place. Taiwan is known for its thriving economy, innovative industries, and a highly educated workforce. ...

Taiwan Journey: The Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, the part of town where I enjoyed a peaceful solo walk.

This time, my destination for traveling in Taipei is the museum located just a 10-minute walk from the HSR Taipei Station. And if you want to go somewhere where you can start exploring Taipei as soon as you arrive at the train station, this museum is a great choice that I’d recommend, that ...

Best Monthly Extended Stay Hotels in Taiwan

As the number of business-related trips to Taiwan keeps increasing, many foreign businessmen or travelers visiting Taiwan stay longer than usual, for several weeks or sometimes months. Due to the budget, it is not the best choice for them to stay in a hotel every day. Since they are looking for a co...

Ethereum Latest Event — ETHTaipei 2023 in Taiwan

Welcome to the first ETHTaipei held in Taiwan. With a vibrant Ethereum and developer community, ETHTaipei unites Ethereum-focused teams from across the globe, showcasing Taiwan as a significant hub for blockchain technology. This event also offers Taiwanese teams a platform to connect...

Hidden Gems of Taiwan Tourism II

My Journey Begins Embark on a captivating two-hour adventure through a compact yet intriguing region, where the winding alleyways and hidden storefronts are best explored with the guidance of someone who knows the ins and outs. This enchanting journey takes you to the heart of Taiwan’s rich...

Discovering Taiwan: A Journey Through the Map

Taiwan, a beautiful island nestled in East Asia, is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. As you embark on a journey to explore this captivating destination, one of the first things that will capture your attention is the map of Taiwan. Beyond its geographical feature...

How hard it was to get to Taiwan in 2022 (as an exchange student)

It’s the beginning of September 2022, and most European countries have minimal restrictions regarding Covid-19. I’m from the Czech Republic, and it was like the pandemic had never crossed our borders during the summer. But the situation is entirely different on the other side of the worl...

8 Observations from 8 Nights in Taiwan

That’s how I would describe the country to someone who knows next-to-nothing about Taiwan. Female president? Check. Legalized same-sex marriage? Check. But it still has all the other goodies I would have expected based on my previous visits to mainland China (tasty dumplings, functional ...

Re-examining My Asian American Identity in Taiwan

One of the things that I am most grateful for in Taiwan is meeting such a warm and welcoming community of people — in particular my work friends at my host institution, Taipei Medical University. From the very first day that I met them, they made it their personal mission to make sure that ...

It’s time for China to seize Taiwan

Let’s be clear: I think such an outcome would be a tragedy for millions. I don’t wish to see it but the writing is on the wall. The US Government, specifically the President of the United States, Joe Biden, has set the stage for the radical move. Pulling out of Afghanistan in such a c...

A Taste of Taiwan in 6 Days

I happened to be departing from Dallas, Texas, the first week of March 2018. I learned that my flight would be about 13 hours from San Francisco, California, to Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan. So I chose to use a connection flight from Dallas to San Francisco then take EVA Airways directly ...

Taipei, Taiwan: A conversation with Rando (b. 1997)

He has a habit of mixing Mandarin Chinese and English, the result of his studying and living as a university student in Taiwan. He’s a bit of a history buff and admits to being an introvert. Photo by YUAN HANG CHEN from Pexels I found my interest in history through vid...

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Quarantine in Taiwan

The phone rang again, I picked up the phone, it was the same person that has been calling me every day for the past 14 days. He said, “Ms. Chang good morning, how is your health condition today?” I replied, “Good morning, everything is normal.” I didn’t expect a daily c...

Zàijiàn, Táiwān

One day, about a year and half ago when I first arrived in Taiwan with the intention of settling here, I was walking through the Taipei neighborhood I would eventually call home with a person who would eventually become one of my best friends here. He wasn’t impressed. “Aren’t t...

2024 Taiwan Election: Exit-poll in Taoyuan City — Research Data

Based on Doublethink Lab’s previous research, reports and observation, the strategy of information manipulation in Taiwan has shifted towards conspiracy types of narrative making it more challenging to debunk. These conspiratorial narratives also further establish and reinforce cognitive bias ...

Out of Taiwan and Towards the Asia-Pacific

“The Out of Taiwan” theory proposed in 1980 by the renowned Australian archaeologist Dr. Peter Bellwood demonstrated the complicated expansion process of the Austronesian peoples. Yet Taiwan remains the region with the richest and most ancient information for Austronesian language-speaki...

On White Privilege in Taiwan

Ihave lived here in Taiwan for over four years. Overall it’s been a great experience. However, I wanted to share something that’s a bit less talked about: the case of white privilege in Taiwan. When I studied Mandarin here, I got a stipend from the government. I was told rather jealou...

Food Culture in Taiwan: A Comprehensive Guide

Taiwanese cuisine has a rich history that dates back to the Qing Dynasty, which ruled over Taiwan from 1683 to 1895. During this period, immigrants from China brought their culinary traditions with them, resulting in a blend of Hakka, Fujianese, and Cantonese cuisine. The Japanese colonial period fr...

A Portuguese in Taiwan — My Great New Adventure

Unsure about which path to follow after a Bachelor in Economics, learning Chinese presented itself as a great next step. “Why not?” my inner self said. I wanted to do a Gap Year before choosing my Masters, so this opportunity came at just the right time, I could not let it slip through m...