Zàijiàn, Táiwān

<p>One day, about a year and half ago when I first arrived in Taiwan with the intention of settling here, I was walking through the Taipei neighborhood I would eventually call home with a person who would eventually become one of my best friends here. He wasn&rsquo;t impressed.</p> <p>&ldquo;Aren&rsquo;t these buildings hideous?&rdquo; he remarked. We were traipsing past an especially rundown housing block, its concrete periphery rust-stained, its tile front gleaming, but hued unflatteringly nonetheless.</p> <p>He explained how the KMT &mdash; the Kuomintang, who during the Chinese Civil War opposed the thugs who would eventually become the Communist Party of China &mdash; did not flee to Taiwan with the intention of settling here. &ldquo;They weren&rsquo;t meant to be permanent, and it&rsquo;s clear why.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@schradenfreude/goodbye-taiwan-1230fc04e3bd"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>