How hard it was to get to Taiwan in 2022 (as an exchange student)

<p>It&rsquo;s the beginning of September 2022, and most European countries have minimal restrictions regarding Covid-19. I&rsquo;m from the Czech Republic, and it was like the pandemic had never crossed our borders during the summer. But the situation is entirely different on the other side of the world, like in Taiwan.</p> <p>To begin with, Taiwanese borders are closed (exempting those holding a Resident Certificate or special entry permit), there is mandatory quarantine, an obligation to wear masks at all times, etc. As a foreigner, an exchange student like me, you need to get a special entry permit approved by Taiwan&rsquo;s Ministry of Education. It was difficult and time-consuming to get everything to get the permit, and after landing, it took a few hours to get out of the airport due to the many steps everyone needed to take.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: 2022 Taiwan