Taiwan — Why You Should Travel Here

<p>A place conveniently located between Japan and the other countries in Southeast Asia that I was headed for. That changed pretty quickly as I started to read up on it&rsquo;s history. I don&rsquo;t know what it is, perhaps because it&rsquo;s road to prosperity is so recent. You expect to be able to feel those remnants, as if it&rsquo;s scent is still in the air. I have to imagine this is why so many of us flock to places such a Cambodia, Vietnam, Berlin and so on.</p> <p>Taiwan. A land that no one really wanted at first, then reluctantly colonized by the Chinese, then occupied by the Japanese for 50 years, then given back to the Chinese by the US to get back at the Japanese(atomic bomb), then once AGAIN reluctantly ruled by the Chinese nationalists(ROC) as a temporary retreat until it was obvious they would never be able to take back mainland china, AND still today is fighting for formal recognition of their independence. Oh yeah, pepper in some inceptive push back by the Taiwanese aboriginals, mix in the different individual allegiances tied to the flip flop in sovereignty over the years between China and Japan, add some political brown nosing and anti-communist purges in exchange for US support, and top that off with almost 40 years of martial law that only just ended in the 1980s.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@andystauff/taiwan-why-you-should-travel-here-3e3a462832d3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Travel Taiwan