Tag: Speed

The Need for Speed.#5WFs(125th)

1. What I’m inspired by: The level of administrative excellence I have encountered, as observed in a culture of documentation and codification of proven, yet evolving methods. I am particularly moved at how a commitment to this hard-work; laying the foundation for an effective system and makin...

Build speed trouble: what to do if a game’s build time increases x10

Before starting work on a game remaster, we already had a CI/CD pipeline in place. Project builds took an average of 40–100 minutes, but 6 months in, build times began to reach 3 (or more) hours. Here’s how you can fight back — and win! Developing games that have thousands o...

Enhancing Android App Performance: Strategies for Speed and Optimization

In the competitive landscape of Android app development, optimizing app performance is a crucial factor for delivering a seamless user experience and gaining a competitive edge. By employing effective strategies, developers can significantly enhance the speed and efficiency of their Android applicat...

Tantra speed dating (the short version)

We start with an ice-breaker exercise where everyone is given a card with a prompt. We are then sent out in the crowd to find 5 people to ask our prompt to and they are supposed to reciprocate by asking us their own prompt. Prompts are along the lines of: share your greatest achievement, what were y...

Ottawa’s Photo Radar Speed Traps

For some time now, I’ve been wondering how the City of Ottawa is going to pay for such white elephants as Lansdowne and its dysfunctional light rail transit system. Clearly, the proposed property tax hike of 2.5 percent will do nothing to solve the current $3.5 billion debt. I think I know ...

Masters of Speed: Cheetahs, Sailfish, and Peregrine Falcons

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is the undisputed champion of speed on land. Native to Africa and parts of Iran, these big cats have evolved to be agile sprinters. Their slender build, long legs, and flexible spine contribute to their remarkable acceleration and top speed, reaching up to 75 miles per...

What Influences Ridership on High-Speed Rail?

China is actually a good country of focus when studying how to develop a high-speed rail system because according to Zhen, Cao, and Tang (2018), over two-thirds of all HSR mileage was in that country. It is therefore our purpose today to understand what factors influence ridership on these syst...

Why black holes spin at nearly the speed of light

Whenever you take a look out there at the vast abyss of the deep Universe, it’s the points of light that stand out the most: stars and galaxies. While the majority of the light that you’ll first notice does indeed come from stars, a deeper look, going far beyond the visible portion of th...

What Really Happens At The Speed of Light?

it is true for any material thing that one measures to be moving at less than c relative to one's self. For such a thing, like a spaceship, there is no physical process that can accelerate it to greater than c. The flip side to this is the weird science of tachyons, which are hypo...

What REALLY Happens at the Speed of Light

Collisions in space are really bad. Even with our current technology, a piece of space debris moving at Earth escape speed (roughly 11.2 kilometers per second) weighing 30 grams (an ounce) packs a punch equivalent to nearly two megajoules. That's as much energy as it takes to lift a one ton...

What REALLY Happens at the Speed of Light

First let's talk about the Baddass Locusts. They get played with by the Gandanglious Unsquidgable Space Cats from the Seventh Senfonian System, so there's that to make them grumpy. But what makes them truly BADASS is the grief they feel for all their fallen sisters and brothers mown down mer...