Build speed trouble: what to do if a game’s build time increases x10

<p><em>Before starting work on a game remaster, we already had a CI/CD pipeline in place. Project builds took an average of 40&ndash;100 minutes, but 6 months in, build times began to reach 3 (or more) hours. Here&rsquo;s how you can fight back &mdash; and win!</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="*kfH4SMFGlXJIgbZkCvCisg.jpeg" style="height:313px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Developing games that have thousands of users and deliver constant updates is a complex endeavor. Beyond just working on new content and features, it also involves optimizing processes so that everything goes smoothly while allowing developers, analysts, and QA engineers to constantly receive new builds.</p> <p>DevOps is a set of methods that can help reduce development time and speed up update releases. CI/CD (or continuous integration and delivery) is not so much a technology as it is an entire culture; it allows you to make small changes in a game with frequent commits more often and more reliably, and to deliver project modules to different departments and automate their testing &mdash; and all of this is a layer of work entirely invisible to the players.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Speed trouble