Tag: Single

The True Story 32 Men Fighting Over a Single Woman on a Remote Island

Atthe end of World War II, a young woman found herself stranded with 32 young men, full of testosterone, on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. As you can imagine, there were numerous fights among the men, all vying for her attention. Periodically, the woman would shift her affect...

No Plus One, No Problem: The Art of Being Happily Single

There was a time in my life when the allure of far-off places called to me like a siren’s song. I was enchanted by the idea of endless explorations and new encounters. So, I set off on a journey that led me to live and work on a cruise ship and later to Taiwan, where I spent a year teaching En...

How To Make New Friends When You’re Single

Everyone has this question, and I think that’s a good thing. A collective with a recurring problem doesn’t stress me out, it makes me feel like I’m a part of something. Oh, this is annoying for everyone? Thank goodness, I’m not alone. The most recurring question I receiv...

Single Women Don’t Want Your Husband

Vixen. Temptress. Minx. Single women are sad, pathetic cat ladies until it’s time to hang out with them and acknowledge their social validity, then suddenly we’re more dangerous than an open flame. Which is it I wonder, the failure or the threat? What are we? I ask in jest. When I imagin...

How To Make New Friends When You’re Single

Everyone has this question, and I think that’s a good thing. A collective with a recurring problem doesn’t stress me out, it makes me feel like I’m a part of something. Oh, this is annoying for everyone? Thank goodness, I’m not alone. The most recurring question I receiv...

How Being Single Has Made Me The Most Successful I Have Ever Been

As I sit down to reflect on my life journey, I realize that I’ve experienced a multitude of phases — from being in a long-term partnership to embracing the joys of singledom. Each chapter of my life has been a unique experience, teaching me valuable lessons along the way. It’s been...

When Paint Jobs Lasted Forever: The Lost Art Of Single Stage

*Before reading this I am going to put my usual disclaimer. This is not a fact based article. My automotive articles are always geared towards stories about my personal life in the form of a blog, and the incidences I personally run into as a first time owner who is a non professional. About the fru...

How did an indie game developer generate over $130 million in sales from a single game?

Indie game development is fun. Every now and then, I would hear the story of an indie game developer and how they made a smash-hit game and earned a lot of money. The following story of an indie developer is a story of grit, hard work, focus & pure passion: Eric Barone  Eric Baron...

Using AWS single sign-on within your Docker containers

If you deploy applications to Amazon AWS EC2 instances, you probably make a lot of use of Amazon-specific features. In my case, I happen to use Amazon’s Systems Manager to store configuration parameters for my applications. When developing code locally I would also like to be able to run th...

DynamoDB Single Table Design

DynamoDB and the Key-Value data model Amazon’s DynamoDB is a powerful and scalable solution for storing and retrieving data. While traditional NoSQL databases often rely on a document or column-based structure, DynamoDB embraces the simplicity and flexibility of a key-value data model. The ...

Hiking Down and Back Up the Grand Canyon in A Single Day

As soon as my husband, Louis, learned from a friend that it’s possible to hike from the rim of the Grand Canyon down to the Colorado River and back up again in a single day, he was completely on board. Of course, it’s easy to be gung-ho about extreme athletic activities when you play soc...

The World Doesn’t Owe You Any Happiness

You are earning in millions. What’s the happiness level buddy? The HIGHEST!! You get the best experiences. You get the best clothes. You get to the best places. Things feel like they are the best. And then some folks come with BS dialogues. Happiness is peace. Learn More

Cooking for One: The Rookie Errors Every New Single Woman Makes

When you’re used to cooking for two, transitioning to cooking for one can lead to some extravagant grocery hauls. Suddenly, you’re buying enough vegetables to feed a small army, and that family-sized bag of rice? Yeah, it’ll outlast your patience for meal prepping. I recall s...

What Is a Woman? (a response)

Almost every single word in the dictionary has multiple (sometimes well over a dozen) definitions. We intuitively understand that words can have different meanings or evoke different ideas depending on the context. In a genetics class, if I talked about a woman, you might think of XX chromosomes; in...

Accelerating the Discovery of Single-Molecule Magnets with Deep Learning

Synthesizing or studying certain materials in a laboratory setting often poses challenges due to safety concerns, impractical experimental conditions, or cost constraints. In response, scientists are increasingly turning to deep learning methods which involve developing and training machine learning...

The entire quantum Universe exists inside a single atom

If you wanted to uncover the secrets of the Universe for yourself, all you’d have to do is interrogate the Universe until it revealed the answers in a way you could comprehend them. When any two quanta of energy interact — irrespective of their properties, including whether they’re...

The Story of the Man Who Dated Too Quickly After His Divorce

Anewly single man had his dating profile ready to go. Even before he’d signed his divorce papers, he wanted to get back in the game. New to the online dating scene, he was nervous but not daunted. He’d find someone Good this time. He dived in. It seemed like a land of opp...