Single Women Don’t Want Your Husband

<p>Vixen. Temptress. Minx. Single women are sad, pathetic cat ladies until it&rsquo;s time to hang out with them and acknowledge their social validity, then suddenly we&rsquo;re more dangerous than an open flame. Which is it I wonder, the failure or the threat? What are we? I ask in jest. When I imagine myself as a threat to someone else&rsquo;s happy relationship I cackle quietly, sitting here in frayed pajama pants and a messy bun, watching a documentary series and sipping anti-anxiety tea. I can assure you I&rsquo;m the least of your worries.</p> <p>But the narrative is there. Single women are seen as a threat to relationships, and as such we&rsquo;re left out of social gatherings, conversations, vacations &mdash; anything you can invite someone to, essentially. Except weddings. Fuck me upside down they&nbsp;<em>love</em>&nbsp;to invite a single woman to a wedding. But casual social norms? We&rsquo;re unwelcome. We&rsquo;re the reason a woman crosses a room to link her arm with her husband&rsquo;s, and I never know if she&rsquo;s physically reminding me, or him. Either way, I didn&rsquo;t have any interest in the guy she married, but we were having a nice chat about how streaming services somehow cost us all more than cable ever did.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Single