How To Make New Friends When You’re Single

<p>Everyone has this question, and I think that&rsquo;s a good thing. A collective with a recurring problem doesn&rsquo;t stress me out, it makes me feel like I&rsquo;m a part of something. Oh, this is annoying for&nbsp;<em>everyone</em>? Thank goodness, I&rsquo;m not alone. The most recurring question I receive isn&rsquo;t about dating, which is the go-to assumption when you look at&hellip;oh I don&rsquo;t know, literally all content created for single people. The most prominent question in singlehood is actually: How do I make new friends?</p> <p>We&rsquo;re not in school anymore. We&rsquo;re not obligated to go somewhere every day with a bunch of people in our own age bracket who are experiencing the same stage of life that we&rsquo;re in.&nbsp;School provides common ground, but adulthood introduces variables and iPhones and distances us from each other. So it&rsquo;s not any great mystery why in adulthood we all have so much trouble making new friends: We never really had to try before. Further, of all those comically useless classes they made us sit through, &ldquo;how to form and maintain healthy, fulfilling friendships&rdquo; wasn&rsquo;t one of them.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Friends Single