Tag: Simple

LLM-Blender: A Simple Ensemble Learning Framework for LLMs

With the rise of open-source large language models (LLMs) such as Alpaca, Vicuna, and Falcon, we are witnessing boundary-pushing possibilities in this realm. Certain models demonstrate superior overall performances on leaderboards like AlpacaEval and Chatbot Arena.&nbsp...

Wrong number texts — a brilliant yet simple attack vector

In the world of information security, there are many cutting-edge attacks. Like the one out of Israel, researchers from Ben-Gurion University and the Weizmann Institute created a technique for long-distance eavesdropping they call lamphone. The lamphone attack allows anyone with a ...

27 Dead-Simple Thoughts of the Top 1%

Twitter is like a treasure trove of the top 1% of thinkers. I can’t believe in two clicks you can get access to the top business people, marketers, and creators on the planet. It’s like a port key to another dimension. If you’re looking for the top thoughts of the top 1%, her...

The Ultra-Simple Guide to Time Management

The method below is another one of the simple paper based time management systems I devised years ago which uses a simple legal pad. It works great for those who want something that works and does not involve electronics. The Ultra-Simple Guide to Time Management is for those people who want...

How I Unlocked 90% More Free Time with Just One Simple Change

We’ve all experienced that sinking feeling of regret when we open an Instagram app with good intentions but end up spending hours scrolling mindlessly, neglecting our most important tasks. If you’re ready to take your business online more seriously and regain control of your precious ...

Three Simple Hacks to Manage your Manager

In one of my startup jobs, I worked with a colleague who had suddenly gained one of the founders’ strong trust and support. The two of them would be seen huddled over, talking animatedly in the hallway. In a small startup, people notice this sort of thing. Over gossipy after-work beers, people...

The Simple Leadership Principles That Build Trust and Respect

Everything is harder without trust and respect. They’re the glue that bind together a team or company. Without them, you’ll never be able to fully leverage the skills and talents in your midst. But as a busy leader, it can be hard to spot when things are bad until they’re rea...

6 Simple Icebreakers That Are Actually Fun

I’ve been in training sessions as part a group of people learning something together, avoiding each other’s eye contact because we haven’t been properly introduced, wanting to keep ourselves to ourselves and anyway — mum always told us not to talk to strangers, right? ...

Doze mode and App Standby in Simple Words

Introduction Android system uses many power saving features to extend devices battery life. Doze mode and Standby mode are two of them. These two play a crucial role in determining how your apps behave when your device does not connected to a power source. Even though your app is not specially...

There’s Nothing You Can Do About Climate Change Part 2

There. I can now retire on this monumental achievement and display of scientific, political and economic prowess. Of course, I’m joking but then again I am not. The very simple act of reading this passage so far has contributed to the problems we face but you can’t ‘offset’ t...

Identify Any Snake With This Simple Method.

In 2002 I was bitten by a large snake in Thailand. Young and naive I grabbed the 1.5m snake behind the head and picked it up. But before I could even finishing thinking that Steve Irwin would be pr… …the snake spun itself around in my far-to-loose grip, opened its mouth wide, ...

Outperform 99% Of Investors with This Simple Strategy!

You will also be able to develop your own investment style and strategy that suits your personality, goals, and risk tolerance. Most successful investors do nothing most of the time. Do not confuse movement with action. Know when to sit and wait. These are some of the principles that guide the be...

Make $700+ With This One Simple Trick!

You're just trying to pay your bills, feed your cat, and keep the lights on. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so, according to the Powers That Be. They'd rather you slave away at your 9-to-5, counting the minutes until the sweet release of the weekend while your soul slowly dies. Bu...

Retirement Planning for Non-Math Whizzes: Simple Rules to Secure Your Golden Years (No Slide Rules Required!)

Ah, retirement. Visions of sandy beaches, leisurely mornings, and finally ditching the alarm clock dance in your head. But then reality bites, the bills are still piling up, and your inner voice whispers, “Am I saving enough? Will my nest egg hatch into a comfy nest or a cardboard box?&rdqu...

4 simple principles for a better life at the confluence of Stoicism & Vipassana

In Physics, the concept of the Block Universe or Eternalism suggests that the past, present & future are all equally “real” and co-exist. However, in our lives, we tend to live in the present with the past having come & gone, and the future yet to come. This is the way we ordinar...

How To Start A Trucking Business in 4 Simple Steps

Starting a trucking business can be an excellent way to make money and become your own boss. Whether you’re looking for a new career or hoping to expand your existing transport operation, this guide will provide you with the key steps required to get started. Setting up and running a succes...

5 Simple Behaviours that Attract People to You

Let’s face it, we all crave genuine connection. That magnetic pull towards people who make us feel seen, valued, and understood. We want to forge friendships that go beyond small talk, build relationships that spark joy, and navigate social situations with effortless ease. But what exact...

4 Ways to Live a Simple Life

Society often tells us that buying things and getting approval from others will make us happy. But I’ve found that true happiness comes from having less — a concept called minimalism. It means simplifying our lives by getting rid of things we don’t need, organizing our homes,...

A Handbook Of Simple Eternal Ideas To Improve Your Life Today

In my martial arts classes we trained things repeatedly until we built up a muscle memory. This was for two purposes: it saved time in stressful situations and allowed us to think ahead while our body handled the present. This freed our minds to recognize opportunities and dangers, then chart a c...

5 Latest Makeup Trends in 2023, from Simple to Bold

The makeup trends are always changing. In 2023, there are a few makeup trends that are predicted to be popular, from simple to bold. Here are 5 latest makeup tips in 2023 that you can try: 1. Minimalist Blush The skinimalism trend is still strong in 2023. One way to do this is by using blush i...