The Simple Leadership Principles That Build Trust and Respect

<p>Everything is harder without trust and respect.</p> <p>They&rsquo;re the glue that bind together a team or company. Without them, you&rsquo;ll never be able to fully leverage the skills and talents in your midst.</p> <p>But as a busy leader, it can be hard to spot when things are bad until they&rsquo;re really bad. By then the damage might already be done.</p> <p>But trust and respect can never be taken. They are earned.</p> <p>Set the example. Give before you hope to receive.</p> <p>Start with these simple principles.</p> <h1>If You Keep Having to Put Down Your Horses, It&rsquo;s Because You&rsquo;re Riding Them Too Hard</h1> <p>Nurture talent. Don&rsquo;t exploit it.</p> <p>You want to plant a garden that provides food for the rest of your life, not a season.</p> <blockquote> <p><em>&ldquo;I have lost a lot of otherwise great talent because I put too much on them. Just as athletes have to think about personal load management, coaches and GMs have to think about it for the whole team (and understand that every person has a different threshold).&rdquo;&mdash; Ryan Holiday</em></p> </blockquote> <p>Maybe you&rsquo;ve got a high turnover rate. What can you do to stem the flow? People are generally motivated by money, development, lifestyle, or autonomy. But just as important is what demotivates people: feeling underappreciated, disrespected, and powerless.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>