The Ultra-Simple Guide to Time Management

<p>The method below is another one of the simple paper based time management systems I devised years ago which uses a simple legal pad. It works great for those who want something that works and does not involve electronics.</p> <p><strong>The Ultra-Simple Guide to Time Management</strong>&nbsp;is for those people who want an easy to set up, yet effective&nbsp;<strong>paper&nbsp;</strong>based way to manage their life. A time management system is much more than just the physical tool you use to manage your time and commitments. A well thought out time management system is a total method designed to make you as efficient and effective in getting the things you must get done accomplished, while providing you with as much free time and as little stress as possible. The reality is that time is not really managed, it is invested. Every second of your life will be invested in some form of activity. The question will be at what return is your time invested? Like any other investment, you must look for the best return on your investment. This system will help you maximize your return on investment.</p> <p>One particularly smart but highly ineffective CEO I worked with many years ago had dozens of pads of paper lying around his office along with scraps of paper of all sizes and shapes, loose post-its, paper phone messages and emails printed out. There was paper everywhere. The anxiety of this disorganization alone greatly reduced their effectiveness, not to mention the hours lost hunting for things. The reality was that this person had no effective system to manage their business or life. By watching this person, I realized the more places something you need can be, the more places it is not. From this observation as well as others over the years, I developed my own simple system, which I now call the Ultra-Simple Guide to Time Management.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ultra Simple