Tag: Security

How to Leverage the @RolesAllowed Annotation for Optimal Security in Java Spring

Security is a paramount concern for any application. Ensuring that your system’s resources are accessed only by the right people is essential. In the Java Spring framework, several annotations enable developers to handle security. One of them is the @RolesAllowed annotation, which pr...

Instructions to Safeguard Your PC from Malware: Top Security Tips

In the present advanced age, safeguarding your PC from malware is of most extreme significance. Malware, short for noxious programming, includes different dangers, for example, infections, ransomware, spyware, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. These dangers can think twice about private in...

The Power of Android Immediate and Flexible In-app Updates: Enhancing Security and User Experience

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, staying up-to-date is crucial for developers and users alike. Mobile applications, especially those on the Android platform, require timely updates to introduce new features, fix bugs, and address security vulnerabilities. In this article, we will explore...

ATO | How I exploited security issue to take over admin account

Few days ago I came across one bug bounty program of an booking website lets call https://redacted.com, it was interesting website with multiple functionalities and some creative features. I don’t often write about findings of bug bounty but this one will be worth doing it as there are up...

Cyber Security — What? & Why?

What Is Cyber Security? Cyber security is made up of two words, cyber — meaning related to computers and security — which means protection. So all together the word means “Protection For Computer”. It protects the computers from malware, and virus attacks, and also prot...

How to read more security + engineering books

Ever since I wrapped up writing my own book back in 2021, I’ve been trying to learn more broadly about other domains in security and software engineering. A lot of the learning came from ad-hoc googling, but I feel like one of the best ways to gain a solid foundation of a topic is to read a...

Strengthening our Security with Chainalysis and Halborn

We are working with top firms to safeguard our ecosystem and community Security is of paramount importance to us at ZetaChain — and it has to be with our community of 1.7 million users from over 100 countries who have used our testnet. The crypto industry has witnessed devastating breach...

The Right Security Measures Make All The Difference: A Tale of Two Protocols

The impact of comprehensive, rigorous security measures in DeFi protocols is truly monumental. Let us elucidate this with the narratives of two hypothetical DeFi protocols: one fortified by Uno WatchDog (Protocol B), and the other by traditional smart contract audits (Protocol A). The Chronicle o...

Elon Musk is a Threat to Ukraine and U.S. National Security

The United States of America, with the most powerful military the world has ever seen, must rely on the charity of an unpredictable billionaire for battlefield communications. The last time I wrote an article that was critical of Elon Musk, nearly half of my audience came to his defense. This ill...

A Kidnapped Heiress and a Security Guard Changed My Life

In less than two years, my career had skyrocketed. The distance between my Atlanta birthplace and San Francisco was not just 3,000 miles. It was a leap from the 18th television market to the 5th. It was a 100 percent increase in base salary, not counting extra pay every time you appear on camera. An...

The 10 Best Security Sites on the Net

Discovering reliable security sites to educate oneself on safeguarding information, cloud systems, and devices can be a daunting task, as distinguishing credible sources from questionable ones can be challenging. In this article, I present a comprehensive list of the top 10 highly regarded securi...

Is there really an information security jobs crisis?

In April, Cybersecurity Ventures reported that there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs in 2025. Their research shows that global cybersecurity job vacancies grew by 350%, from one million openings in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021. The number of unfilled jobs leveled off in 2022...

Is there really an information security jobs crisis?

In April, Cybersecurity Ventures reported that there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs in 2025. Their research shows that global cybersecurity job vacancies grew by 350%, from one million openings in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021. The number of unfilled jobs leveled off in 2022...

Industry Leaders BlockAPT and Unyted Join Forces to Revolutionise Quantum Security in the Metaverse

BlockAPT, a leader in quantum-secure IT solutions, and Unyted, an innovative virtual world creator and metaverse platform developer, are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership aimed at delivering pioneering and secure IT solutions tailor-made for the metaverse. BlockAPT and Unyted will comb...

AWS Cloud Security Checklist (Cloud Security)

Here, you can access a security checklist tailored for the AWS cloud environment. This checklist encompasses a wide range of services, including IAM (Identity and Access Management), EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), EBS (Elastic Blob Storage), ELBv2 (Elastic Load Balancer V2), VPC (Virtual Private Cloud...

Automating an E-Commerce Platform Deployment and Monitoring on AWS Part 4: Optimizing Infrastructure with Advanced IaC for Scalability and Security

In Part 3, we used Terraform to build the basic infrastructure for our AWS e-commerce platform. Now, we need to make sure it’s not just stable, but also secure and able to handle changes in demand. In this part, we’ll dig into more advanced Infrastructure as Code (IaC) setups, focus...

OPA on Kubernetes: Security policies

Every organisation now are onboarded into kubernetes and terraform and use a lot of kubernetes objects, GCP resources and other infrastructure components. Therefore adhering to some best practices and guidelines is of utmost priority. We need to define some policy which would check the state of obje...

Implementation of a set of EC2 instances using Terraform and AWS Systems Manager configuration with Amazon Simple Notification Service for automated installation of security officers

In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as DevSecOps Engineer, and I deployed a set of EC2 instances and infrastructure in an automated way using Terraform (infrastructure as code — IaC). Also, it was necessary to install a specific security agent on all these instances in an a...

Android Security: Securing your Gradle builds from baddies

This is the accompanying blog post for my recent Droidcon Berlin 2023 talk “How to stop the Gradle Snatchers: Securing your builds from baddies” — you can find the slides, video and other resources for this talk at my site spght.dev/talks If you are an Android developer lik...

Developers, Take Note: Android 14’s Privacy & Security Upgrades

Hey Android Devs! Android 14 is here, so it’s time to upgrade your app once again! (I know, the struggle is real, but we’ll make it through together!) With Android 14 (with it’s name “Upside Down Cake”), users will have new features and better security. For developer...

Understanding Linux system security for Users Guide for beginners

One of the most important security features of the Linux system today are passwords. Most administrators and server users use passwords to protect their system and gain access from others. In Linux (RHEL/DEBIAN) these passwords are stored in the passwd and shadow files in the /etc directory. Most...

The Linux Security Journey — iptables: Chains

In general “iptables” is an administration tool used IPv4/6 packet filtering and NAT (https://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables). “iptables” uses a series of rules that are organized into chains, in order to handle network traffic. Overall there are 5 built-in chains: PREROUTING, ...

The Future of Cyber Security, Data and AI: Big Brother or a Brave New World?

Do you remember when there were no computer science departments in universities, and we basically had computer support units? The people who worked there often had white coats — as they were seen as scientists in their secretive labs — and where a 10MB disk unit looked more like a washin...

Beosin Become The Exclusive Security Auditing Partner Of The Big Demo Day

Big Demo Day, one of the largest Web3 offline Roadshow events in Hong Kong organized by Central Research and Web3Hub, will be held in Hong Kong Cyberport on March 4, 2023. Web3 security company Beosin will act as an exclusive security audit partner to support the code security audit of the projects ...

Home Security Tips: Protecting Your Narre Warren Residence

Keeping your home safe and secure is a top priority for any homeowner, regardless of where you live. In Narre Warren, a suburb in Victoria, Australia, ensuring the safety of your residence is essential for peace of mind. This article will provide you with valuable home security tips, including th...

Is Social Security Going Bankrupt?

For years, I’ve been reading about how Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and that it’s running out of money. Alarmists are telling people that there will be nothing in the coffers for them when they retire. If they don’t accumulate a gigantic portfolio they risk living on cat food ...

I Will Not Include Social Security Benefits As Part of My Retirement Plan. Here Is Why.

There Is The Overpayment Threat This is the main reason I’m wary of relying on Social Security payments in retirement. In recent weeks, a few retirees and disabled persons received letters from the Social Security Administration stating that they were overpaid and that they had to pay the m...

Retirement Life: Retirees That Need To Work

With the news that Social Security will have only a 3.2% increase in 2024 and continuing high prices for practically everything, many retirees are starting to come back to the workforce. The only problem is that, despite labor shortages practically all over the country, employers show little interes...

A Simple Change in the Way You Live That Will Bring You Happiness And Security

Ifound that the process of change could only start when my level of suffering reached the point where my life was not worth living any more. I simply had to find a better way of spending my time on this planet. Suffering for me was not physical pain, it was mental and emotional. Looking back I...

Hello, Why Doesn’t the U.S. Implement These Simple Security Measures!

When raising children, its popular to give them the “freedom to explore”, while setting the proper “boundaries”. Using our Democratic Capitalism as a larger example, we want to give ourselves the freedom to innovate and compete, without the contaminations of cheating, lying, ...

The Role of Education in Social Security Disability and SSI Cases: A Legal Perspective

In the intricate world of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cases, various factors come into play when determining eligibility and the level of benefits an individual may receive. Among these factors, education stands out as a crucial element that can significan...

Can Having a Pacemaker Qualify for Social Security Disability and SSI?

In today's world, medical advancements have granted individuals with various health conditions the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives. However, for some individuals, such as those reliant on pacemakers, navigating the complexities of social security disability and Supplemental Securi...

Surprising: JavaScript can be used for Cyber Security

JavaScript is a popular programming language that is widely used for creating interactive websites and web applications. However, did you know that JavaScript can also be used for enhancing cyber security? In this article, we’ll explore how JavaScript can be used to some basic&n...

Navigating Social Security Disability Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: Navigating the intricacies of Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDB) can be overwhelming for individuals facing physical or mental challenges that hinder their ability to work. The process involves understanding eligibility criteria, application procedures, potential p...

How does an applicant’s death affect a pending SSDI application?

Navigating the intricate landscape of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be daunting, particularly when faced with the unfortunate circumstance of a loved one passing away during the application process. While the journey may seem complex, understanding the options av...

Navigating Social Security Disability: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the Social Security Disability (SSD) system can be complex and overwhelming, especially for individuals facing health challenges like sickle cell disease. Understanding the intricacies of the application process, eligibility criteria, and what to expect can greatly improve your chances of...

Do Migraines Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

As a law firm dedicated to serving individuals seeking assistance with disability claims, we understand the complexities surrounding conditions like migraines and their eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits. Migraines are not just headaches; they can be debilitating, affecting a p...

The Importance of Having an RFC Assessment in Your Social Security Disability and SSI Case

In the realm of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims, the significance of a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment cannot be overstated. As seasoned practitioners in this domain, we recognize the critical role an RFC evaluation plays in bols...

Unveiling Social Security Disability Benefits: Your Path to Support

Shoulder injuries can severely disrupt a person's capacity to work, resulting in financial strain and uncertainty about their future. In such instances, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can offer vital financial support. However, the eligibility crit...

Can You Get Social Security Disability Benefits Without The Sufficient Work Credits or Despite Being Over Resourced?

Navigating Social Security Disability Benefits can be complex, especially when facing obstacles like insufficient work credits or exceeding resource limits. This blog post delves into the eligibility criteria for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income ...

Debating the Sufficiency of Physical Therapy and Chiropractor Records in Proving Disability

When applying for disability benefits, substantial medical evidence is crucial to substantiate the severity of one's condition. Physical therapy and chiropractor records often play a significant role in documenting a claimant's medical history and ongoing treatment. However, the question ari...

Does Having an Oxygen Tank Help My Chances of Being Approved for Social Security Disability or SSI?

For individuals living with respiratory conditions, the need for supplemental oxygen can significantly impact daily life. From managing tasks at home to engaging in employment, the use of an oxygen tank is often essential. But what role does it play in the realm of Social Security Disability&nb...

Are There Disability Benefits for Tuberculosis

Navigating the complex world of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can be daunting, especially when dealing with a serious health condition like Tuberculosis (TB). If you or a loved one are battling TB and wondering if you qualify for SSDI or...

Understanding Social Security Disability Benefits for Autism Level 3

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals in various ways, impacting their social interactions, communication skills, and behavior. ASD is often categorized into three levels of severity, with Level 3 being the most severe. For individuals with aut...

Understanding Social Security Dependent Benefits for Adults Over 18

In the realm of Social Security benefits, many individuals are familiar with the concept of dependent benefits for children. However, what happens when a potential beneficiary is over the age of 18? Can they still qualify for dependent benefits? Let's delve into this often misunderstood area...