Elon Musk is a Threat to Ukraine and U.S. National Security

<p><em>The United States of America, with the most powerful military the world has ever seen, must rely on the charity of an unpredictable billionaire for battlefield communications.</em></p> <p>The last time I wrote an article that was critical of Elon Musk, nearly half of my audience came to his defense. This illustrates the power of the cult of personality: when a public figure is excessively glorified and celebrated to the point where their image and influence become heroic or god-like.</p> <p>Like Trump, Musk has his own large group of die-hard supporters and sycophants.</p> <p>Because of this (and not wanting to lose too many subscribers), I steered safely clear of Elon Musk topics in my later Ukraine War coverage.</p> <p>Not anymore&hellip;</p> <p>Do you remember the mysterious Ukrainian sea drone or uncrewed surface vessel (USV) that washed up on shore in Crimea in September of last year?</p> <p><a href="https://wesodonnell.medium.com/elon-musk-is-a-threat-to-ukraine-and-u-s-national-security-91f3a85abe2e"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Musk Security