Tag: Scientific

Creating Scientific Plots the Easy Way With scienceplots and matplotlib

When writing articles for publication in academic journals, the layout and style of the figures are expected to conform to a predefined format. This ensures consistency across all of that publication's articles and that any included figures are high quality when printed. Python is widely used...

The Rossi reactor- scientific breakthrough or fraud?

I am often asked to comment on various technologies and inventions that receive quite a bit of publicity, but have not yet been universally recognized and/or applied. One of the devices I have been asked to talk about is the Andrea Rossi Cold Fusion Reactor. Let’s find out what it is. Wh...

The Rossi reactor- scientific breakthrough or fraud?

I am often asked to comment on various technologies and inventions that receive quite a bit of publicity, but have not yet been universally recognized and/or applied. One of the devices I have been asked to talk about is the Andrea Rossi Cold Fusion Reactor. Let’s find out what it is. Wh...

Developing Scientific Software

In this article we will follow the tenets of TDD for developing Scientific Software as laid out in the first installment of this series to develop an edge detection filter known as the Sobel filter. In the first article, we talked about how important — and tricky — it can be...

Creating Scientific Plots the Easy Way With scienceplots and matplotlib

When writing articles for publication in academic journals, the layout and style of the figures are expected to conform to a predefined format. This ensures consistency across all of that publication's articles and that any included figures are high quality when printed. Python is widely used...

Has scientific writing ruined my creative mind?

In fifth grade, I used to write wild stories about people who rode giant rats and trees that talked to children. My imagination ran rampant trying to impress my classmates with stories they never could have dreamed up. But after six and a half years in college studying science, those stories, and th...

Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an?

The verse does however resemble the ancient belief that conception is caused by male & female fluids from all parts of the body. And that’s what some classical tafseers said. For example al-Qurtubi says: “The fluid is Semen… it comes down from the brain & passes between...

The true scientific meaning of Mercury entering retrograde

Throughout almost all of the year, you can see planet migrating through Earth’s night sky in the same predictable fashion. Whereas the stars always appear in the same location relative to one another, the planets — being so close by relative to the distant stars — appear to shift f...

The 3 key steps to overthrowing a scientific theory

Science, like many things in life, is always a work-in-progress. While a successful scientific theory has questions it can answer, natural phenomena it can accurately describe, and robust predictions it can make, it’s also fundamentally limited at any point in time. Any theory, no matter how s...

Lessons in Chemistry

Hey, you won’t believe the literary treasure I just stumbled upon! It’s like discovering a hidden gem in a dusty bookstore — “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus. This book, my friend, is an absolute triumph, and I can’t wait to spill the beans about ...

B Vitamins, Alzheimer's, and Cognitive Health: A Scientific Analysis

The intricate relationship between vitamin intake and cognitive health has garnered significant attention in the scientific community. This article delves into the pivotal role of vitamins, with a particular focus on the B vitamin group, in mitigating cognitive decline and the potential onset of Alz...

A review of four current articles in scientific journals

Reviewing the current issues of Science and Nature, I found four, interesting questions in contemporary science. The first is whether a rugged fitness landscape helps evolution. The second is whether magnetic fields are stronger than expected in their deflection of cosmic rays. The th...

A review of four current articles in scientific journals

Reviewing the current issues of Science and Nature, I found four, interesting questions in contemporary science. The first is whether a rugged fitness landscape helps evolution. The second is whether magnetic fields are stronger than expected in their deflection of cosmic rays. The th...

Book Review: The Age of Scientific Wellness

The company was run by the same researchers who had just completed the largest study of its kind at the time, a deep dive into the genomes, microbiomes, blood markers and lifestyles of 100 people at multiple time points over several years. Their study goal was to prove the value of a systems&nb...

The ‘Scientific Simulacra’: When AI And Hyperreality Collide

GPT Summary: The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has given rise to a new era of ‘scientific simulacra’, epitomizing Jean Baudrillard’s concept of hyperreality, where reality and representation become indistinguishable. AI language models, like ChatGPT, a...

What is an idea? A philosophical and scientific perspective

One of the key elements that have driven the human race forward ever since the very first civilizations up until the industrial and digital revolution have been the ideas that we as humans have come up with. Every one of us has heard quotes along the lines of “Everything starts with an idea&rd...

Exploring scientific machine learning pipelines through the SimulAI toolkit

SciML, short for Scientific Machine Learning, encompasses work that merges quantitative sciences with machine learning. It has gained significant traction over the past decade, driven by the widespread availability of specialized hardware (such as GPUs and TPUs) and datasets. Additionally, it has be...

How To Have Sex: Insights from Science.

In the quest for deeper intimacy and sexual satisfaction, science and spirituality converge in unexpected ways. Emerging research, including a pivotal study on this topic (source below) reveals that psychedelic experiences can significantly enhance various aspects of sexual well-being. This explorat...

Via Scientific: Why We Invested

As we approach the complete set of nucleic acid sequences that form the blueprint of human life, a revolution is happening in life sciences. The way we discover drugs — as just one example —is being transformed, from a process of smashing random compounds together in hope of creating som...

Psychedelics: The Blessing and the Curse of a Scientific Approach

In my opinion Psychedelics are one of the most important frontiers of human understanding right now. It is a strange fact of history that they have been eclipsed and banned when their use has been so widespread, prevalent and foundational to human societies, but here we are. The unknown is to be fea...

7 Racist Scientific Theories That Altered The Course Of History

Have you ever wondered how certain racial stereotypes and prejudices have been perpetuated throughout history? The answer may lie in the development and spread of racist scientific theories. Theories, which were once widely accepted as fact, have had a profound impact on shaping the world we live...