Tag: Rich

10 Things You Need to Sacrifice to Become Rich

When I reached the ripe age of 20, I made a bold decision to become a millionaire, despite being born into humble beginnings. But let me tell you, making such a decision was only the first step on a long and winding road to wealth. I knew that if I truly wanted to achieve financial success, I wou...

The ultra-rich people are paying less taxes than you!

“My secretary is paying double the tax than I am,” Warren Buffet said in one of his interviews. Further, in one of its reports, ProPublica (a US-based non-profit organisation) stated that Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, paid taxes that were less than 1% of his total wealth creation in ...

11 Books That Will Make You Rich.

If you want to become a more successful entrepreneur, increase your networth, understand how the global markets work, or develop useful skills that differentiate the 1% from the rest then this list of books is for you. I hope reading these books will help you just as much as they helped me. ...

Your dreams won’t make you rich.

Dreams promise innovation. We’ve been told they’re the secret portal to masterpieces. The door to multi-million-dollar business ideas. From the Theory of Relativity to Twilight, dreams are the creator. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein after a nightmar...

It’s A Lifestyle Crime: If You’re Not Rich You Can’t Eat Out Everyday In 2023 America

I call them sheep. Many of the people in the image that anchors this article. They see one person eating the $16 burrito, $16 avocado toast, $22 traditional breakfast or $24 bowl of rigatoni at this “cafe” and they must do likewise. No matter what lies at the heart of the expe...

It’s Not Just About the Rich Kids

Sometimes, Americans just want to be told what they already know. One really good example of this is the coverage of a big study of elite college admissions by the economists Raj Chetty, David Deming, and John Friedman. The three researchers looked at admissions policies for “Ivy-...

America is Very Rich. What Do We Spend Our Money On?

I don’t know if you realize just how much richer Americans are than other rich people around the world. We talk a lot about the ways in which the American economy is broken — and it is broken in a bunch of ways. People on both sides of the political spectrum seem to fervently believe ...

10 Things You Need to Sacrifice to Become Rich

When I reached the ripe age of 20, I made a bold decision to become a millionaire, despite being born into humble beginnings. But let me tell you, making such a decision was only the first step on a long and winding road to wealth. I knew that if I truly wanted to achieve financial success, I wou...

Getting Rich Slowly Is the Worst Way to Get Wealthy

The money gurus offer the worst advice in history: get rich slow. They argue we can only get rich slow and everything else is delusional. Whenever any finfluencer says to “shut up and wait,” the masses cheer loudly — like the person is Batman saving Gotham City from th...

The Rich-Poor Matrix That Will Change Your Money Perspective

Most people spend their life spending most of the money they make. Whether you make $15,000 a month or $1,500, you’ll find yourself in a precarious situation as soon as the money stops coming in every month if you’ve been living paycheck to paycheck. That’s how NFL stars go broke a...

Average People Have the Quiet Advantage to Be Rich

I’m average. Like really average. I got above-average grades in school until I got to the part in school where things got hard and instead of leaning in, I leaned out and things crumbled. Entering university? I got Bs. Not bad. Not great. Not stand out like some of my classmates liked to...

Sympathy Is The New Modern Shit That Holds You Back From Getting Rich In Your Life

You are rich only because of YOU. You are poor only because of YOU. The rich live life on this principle. So they never get into a situation of seeking sympathy from anybody in the world. The poor folks think OTHERS are responsible for their poverty. That’s why they are still poor....

Is collecting art only for the rich?

Many art enthusiasts assume that starting a collection of their own is simply a dream. After all, the art on display in museums is known to be extremely valuable, and there are frequent headlines about paintings selling at auction for astronomical prices. But the fact is that it’s possible to ...

The disappearance of Rich Campbell

It’s been almost five months since Rich Campbell, who was then a Twitch partner and co-founder of the gaming organisation OTK, was accused by Azalia Lexi of sexual assault in a Tweet, followed shortly by a Twitlonger post, where she described a shockingly painful experience of a night with the...

Tarragona: A Rich, Relaxing, Historic Budget Alternative to Barcelona

It was a beautiful autumn afternoon in Tarragona, Spain. Locals packed into the pedestrian-only cobbled streets of the medieval town center, and we were there with them, having found a perch on the side of a rock wall of the 12th- century Cathedral of Tarragona. All eyes were focused on the street, ...

How Dubai Gets So Rich

In the last three decades, Dubai has transformed itself from a desert emirate to a luxury tourist destination. The world’s biggest banks have their operation in Dubai. Dubai is a hub for tourism, financial services, and business activity. Dubai has the world’s tallest buildings ...

Best Apps To Live Like You’re Broke so You Can Stay Rich in London

Life got significantly more expensive when I moved from Bangkok, Thailand to Singapore. I actually cried the first time I went to the dentist to fill the tiniest chip on my tooth. It cost more than four times what I would’ve paid in Bangkok. Later on, I moved to Hong Kong — also an obsce...

Madrid: A rich and unique multicultural environment and a treasure for art lovers.

For a Latin American, Spain is a country that marks a before and after, full of myths and legends. Unlike the relationship between the US and the UK, that of Spain and the Spanish-speaking countries is charged with feelings of love and hate: it is somehow part of our DNA. I traveled to Spain for ...

Italy Rich Culture

The Heart of Art and Heritage: Exploring Italy’s Rich Culture. Italy, a country steeped in history, art, and tradition, is renowned for its extraordinary cultural contributions to the world. With a legacy that spans millennia, Italy’s culture is a mosaic of artistic, culinary, architect...

Toronto’s Rich Neighbourhoods Opt for In-Person School

On Saturday, the Globe and Mail reported that high-income parents in Toronto and across Canada are choosing to form “learning pods” rather than send their children to in-person school this fall. But our analysis of registration survey results released by TDSB last Thu...

8 Things You Must Forgo to Become Truly Rich

So, picture this: I’m just 22 years old, fresh out of the gates of humble beginnings, and what do I decide to do? I boldly declare to the universe, “I’m gonna be an Entrepreneur!” Little did I know, that was just the start of my wild and wacky journey to financial freedom. ...

You’re Rich and Famous. Now What?

That’s the dilemma Sylvester Stallone — the legendary star of the Rocky and Rambo film franchises — faces at the age of 77. He’s had a long, prosperous career. Celebrity Net Worth estimates his fortune at $400 million. But Stallone is think...

Rich Girl Buys Homeless Man

As the sun began to set over the bustling city, a young woman named Samantha found herself strolling down the busy streets, admiring the glimmering lights and the sounds of people chatting and laughing. Samantha was a wealthy heiress, born into a life of privilege and luxury. Her family’s fort...

Is a $1.5 Million House a Rich Man’s House

The value of a home transcends mere brick and mortar — it becomes a tangible manifestation of one’s financial standing and aspirations. The question lingers: Is a $1.5 million house the epitome of opulence, a symbol of affluence reserved for the elite? The answer, as it often is in matte...

Was Rich Mullins gay?

None are really a coherent portrait of his life. The biography, An Arrow Pointing to Heaven by James Bryan Smith, is billed as a “devotional biography.” That seems to mean it often diverts into abstract discussions of Christian theology. I email Smith asking if he can supply ev...

Embracing the rich spectrum of neurodiversity to shape a more inclusive society

Early in 2023, I applied to join a group of mental health changemakers. Following my acceptance into the programme, I joined a WhatsApp group to facilitate communication among the cohort. When it came time to introduce myself, I decided to share a personal aspect of myself by stating that I am ne...

When You Grow Up With Rich Celebrities and Poor People Living on the Streets

I remember the accumulated pots and pans encrusted with old food in our sink. I see the full toilet we couldn’t flush because of frozen pipes. I hear my mother’s rants against the backdrop of neglect. She leaned in with what felt like love one moment, then criticized the next. Her inn...

Rich People: “Have kids so they can work for me”

I’ve recently entered my 30’s, so naturally everyone in my life has started asking me when I’m gonna have kids. I’m having to go around with a mental checklist of people I’ve had the tedious inevitable conversation with. I’ve known for a fairly long time that I...

LinkedIn, Rich Women and Rich Anti-Racism

I was walking to the #15 bus in Denver this morning, avoiding homeless people’s pee puddles getting real riled up. Like, RILED. So riled up I am going to restrain myself with all the things I am about to say: The other day on CPR News I heard an interview with co-author of the boo...

A Rich Tapestry Of Privilege

A group of schoolchildren line up on a playing field for a race. There’s some good-natured trash talk and varying levels of steely-eyed determination. A few toes stray over the start line in search of an advantage. But there’s a twist. A teacher explains that their starting point...

Are Doctors Rich In India?

Let me explain, I have worked as a receptionist in a small but popular clinic in Bangalore for 4 years (This was during my PUC and UG as I was in the evening college had time to work and study). So ill give you the numbers — I am not giving the exact numbers as it is against the policy I&rs...

Become Part of Texas Radio’s Rich Legacy: Join the TRHOF

You’ve heard it before: “Everything is bigger in Texas.” And regarding the history of broadcasting, few states can surpass the rich legacy of Texas radio. From iconic radio stations to legendary personalities, Texas has been the birthplace of some of the most influential voices in ...

The Rich Tapestry of Global Makeup Traditions

Hey there, makeup lovers! Welcome to an adventure that’s about to take you on a colorful tour of makeup traditions from around the world. Get ready to dive into a world bursting with hues, techniques, and cultural influences that’ll spark your creativity and leave you feeling inspired. ...


Now, if you are currently looking for a French name for your baby, of course, some names are in trend, others are outdated. It is sometimes funny for us French to see that some French-sounding names borne by US-American stars are completely outdated and only borne by French grandmas, like Michelle, ...