Tarragona: A Rich, Relaxing, Historic Budget Alternative to Barcelona

<p>It was a beautiful autumn afternoon in Tarragona, Spain. Locals packed into the pedestrian-only cobbled streets of the medieval town center, and we were there with them, having found a perch on the side of a rock wall of the 12th- century Cathedral of Tarragona. All eyes were focused on the street, where a parade unlike anything I&rsquo;d ever seen before was approaching. Costumed figures led the procession and were marching throughout the ranks. There were magical beasts spouting fire (seriously, fireworks and sparklers erupting from mouths and tails), dragons, sea serpents, massive bulls, a mermaid-dragon, and even a giant golden chicken. Diables ( five-foot high handcrafted heads of biblical, historical, and contemporary figures) bobbed past. Surrounding towns were represented by dancers and marchers, all in traditional regalia reflecting their local heritage. Musicians played bagpipes made from goat bellies and skins, drums of all sizes, flutes, and horns. Young girls in white lace dresses and red sashes performed the folk dances of their Catalan traditions. Participating towns were represented by monster mascots and their own strolling bands. It was a riotous mix of colors and sound.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/wabi-sabi-journeys/tarragona-a-rich-relaxing-historic-budget-alternative-to-barcelona-334b684fb8ac"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tarragona Rich