When You Grow Up With Rich Celebrities and Poor People Living on the Streets
<p>I remember the accumulated pots and pans encrusted with old food in our sink. I see the full toilet we couldn’t flush because of frozen pipes. I hear my mother’s rants against the backdrop of neglect.</p>
<p>She leaned in with what felt like love one moment, then criticized the next. Her inner demons crept into our lives like mold, destroying my foundation and any chance at a healthy childhood.</p>
<p>I remember the day I went to live with my dad. I had been planning my eighth birthday party that week and held the pack of yellow candles I’d picked out in the kitchen. My mother’s creativity shined when she planned my parties. But I didn’t realize how little she could offer by then. I never had that party.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/the-narrative-arc/when-you-grow-up-with-rich-celebrities-and-poor-people-living-on-the-streets-ebbcec07ee3d"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>