Average People Have the Quiet Advantage to Be Rich
<p>I’m average.</p>
<p>Like really average. I got above-average grades in school until I got to the part in school where things got hard and instead of leaning in, I leaned out and things crumbled.</p>
<p>Entering university? I got Bs. Not bad. Not great. Not stand out like some of my classmates liked to remind me. I remember the day I got my graduate job. We were sitting around the table and a friend said:</p>
<p>“Well, if Eve can get a graduate job, anyone can.”</p>
<p>Lol. Burn.</p>
<p>But she was right you know. And I want to tell you how an average person like me can make their dreams come true.</p>
<h1>Expectations kill ambition</h1>
<p>When I was 14 I played football at a high level.</p>
<p>I went on tour to Canada and played the best teams in the country, it felt like all I did was kick a ball around a field. Before that, I played for a local team.</p>
<p>When I was in the fancy shiny team with all these people watching, I crumbled. I hated the pressure. Everything felt so serious. It’s sucked the fun out of everything.</p>
<p>But when I was playing for my local team? I loved it.</p>
<p>The funny thing is, I played my best football playing for that local team. When nobody expects anything of me, that’s my happy place. I don’t like the weight of letting other people down on me.</p>
<p><a href="https://themakingofamillionaire.com/average-people-have-the-quiet-advantage-to-be-rich-aae1dc22220f"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>