Tag: Relationships

Understanding One-to-Many Relationships: Fundamentals and Establish the Relationship

A foundation in database design is being able to relate tables to each other. One of these relationships involves linking two tables in a one-to-many relationship. In this blog post I will be covering core concepts of a one-to-many relationships, explore the significance, common uses for one-to-many...

Feel Like a Narcissist Magnet? The Reason You Attract Toxic Relationships

I was convinced I had a narcissist target branded on my forehead. Everywhere I turned, there was another narcissist, and I was the chosen target. Potential love interests, new friends, colleagues, you name it. It was like no one was safe like no one was healthy. After ending a long-term narcis...

Myths and Facts About Relationships

Myth: There’s one person for everyone. You call them your soulmate. Fact: There are billions for everyone. You call them your soulmates. Myth: You need to be 100% sure about the person you’re marrying. Fact: How arrogant! Are you 100% sure about anything...

“She’s a Stay-At-Home Girlfriend, and I Do Chores and Work; She Doesn’t Like My Presents,” Man on Relationship

Supporting a relationship partner who wants to stay home can be a difficult decision, but if you’re ok with what you’re earning and are ready to let them look after your home, you can usually assume chores, cooking, and cleaning will be taken care of. What happens if your partner like...

Why Is Compromise Important In A Relationship?

I was reading an article from ‘The School of Life’ on ‘Seven Rules Of Successful Relationships’ Andrew Carnegie once said ‘’Strong men don’t compromise.’’ depicting that compromise is for the weak. I and some don’t se...

What does a 30-year-old man need from a relationship?

What exactly does a 30-year-old man look for in a love relationship? By the age of 30, a person experiences a serious crisis of self-identification, which can be illustrated by the question “Who am I and why do I live?” During this period, many things change in his life, including ...

Three Lessons I Have Learned About Building Better Relationships

Recently, a close friend of mine had issues with his superior at work which almost led to a fall-out and a consequent decision to transfer out of that branch of the organisation to another. A couple of meetings later, he decided to stay at his current branch and to continue to work under this superi...

10 Things Nobody Told You About “Forever” Relationships

Been with your partner a long time? Is it still working for you? How about for them? As a psychologist, I work with a lot of people in long-term relationships. Even if they don’t come to therapy to address relationship problems, we’ll talk about them. Because you can tell a lot ...

Arriving Early: How It Shows Respect and Boosts Relationships

It’s Time Time is the silent language spoke by all of us, yet, often misunderstood. A former colleague of mine, framed it really well. Thinking it through many years later, it is more than just a notion of timing. What she, deliberately or not, inclined to say, was that it shows respe...

Love by Numbers ~ A tale of quantifying relationships

I’ve been thinking about relationships a lot of late. Family, friends, and work. When my wife went away on a trip recently, I was reminded of how much she does for the family. I’m not just talking about the obvious household upkeep and logistics; I’m talking about everything. Emoti...


Intimate relationships seem to be the main focus of most humans’ lives. But are they valid for everyone? This is a TRANSCRIPT from my podcast. Welcome to ‘Define Real.’ My name is Deborah, and I will share personal stories that will make you question reality. My inte...

How might Buddhism help with difficult family relationships

Leaving aside ‘the perfect family’, you will always find difficulties within any family group. Parents, children, or siblings all come with their potential issues. There might be specific individuals who manage to press your buttons and cause you deep distress or maybe it is the overall ...

The Truth About Love

ToBe Happy We Do Not Have to Be Loved, We Must Learn to Be Loving. We all believe that we need to be loved to be happy. When something goes wrong in our relationships, we suffer a great deal, feeling we are not loved. But this is a mistake. We do not have to be loved to be happy. We must learn...

The Top Types Of Women Men Should Avoid For Long Term Relationships.

Men. Understand that a single mother is not your duty to save. Most of the time, she’s in her predicament by choice. Her kids, understandably, will always come before you. Additionally, if you do decide to date one, and she insists on you being part of her kid's life, you get the prou...

Why Lesbian Relationships Turn Into Disasters — And How To Finally Find Lasting Queer Love

In some ways, the challenges in lesbian relationships are the same as those in all other relationships. Yet in other ways, they’re quite different. That’s why Conscious Girlfriend incorporates cutting-edge scientific and psychological knowledge from the best relationship expert...

Can Karmic Relationships Turn Into Soulmates?

Have you ever been in a relationship that felt destined, like you were meant to be together? Many people feel this way about their romantic partners, especially in the early days of a new relationship. But could these feelings actually have a deeper spiritual meaning? Is it possible that some romant...

Zodiac Signs and Love(5): Who is the most giving and the most frugal in love relationships

Leo individuals are known for their love of admiration and are often generous with their partners. They prioritize their loved one’s happiness above their own and are easily won over by compliments and flattery. Leos have a natural inclination to be generous, going to great lengths to please t...

Saturn Series: Seventh House or Libra — Fairness and Relationships

If you have Saturn in your Seventh House or if it is transiting this house you will likely be learning lots of big lessons about one-to-one relationships. These may be through romantic partners, close friends, business partners, colleagues, or open enemies, for example. This placement forces you ...

‘Burn the Coal, Pay the Toll’: The alt-right site targeting women in interracial relationships

According to ‘The International Alt-Right: Fascism for the 21st Century?’ (Routledge, 2020) ‘coal burning’ is an alt-right term for white women in romantic or sexual relationships with black men. The site includes the details of 96 people, with each post prompting an appro...

‘Burn the Coal, Pay the Toll’: The alt-right site targeting women in interracial relationships

The website Coal Fax is divided into 4 sections: the Traitors, the Brainwashed, the Cucks, and Toll Paid. Each section of the site lists the full names, pictures and social media profiles of people, predominantly women, who are ‘burning the coal’. According to ‘The International...

We All Have Ghosts Of Relationships Past

When the wine gets flowing, my girlfriends and I gather and talk about our ex-boyfriends. We laugh, we compare, and we bemoan the choices of our past selves. Quite often a “What were you thinking?” can be heard between the clinks of glass, followed by laughter and groans. Beyond...

12 Habits of a Narcissist After a Breakup

Navigating the aftermath of a relationship with a narcissist can be incredibly complex and emotionally challenging. The dissolution of that bond is often just the beginning of a rollercoaster of manipulative tactics and emotional turmoil. Here’s a comprehensive list of 12 habits observed in...

4 Common Misconceptions about Addictive Relationships

Anyone caught in a loop of addictive or trauma-bonded relationships instinctively recognizes the pattern in which they are caught. They “know” on a subconscious level that their choices in a partner resonate with their core wounds and that their ability to be present and emotionally vuln...

30. Understanding Attachment Styles in Relationships

Relationship dynamics, especially in romantic relationships, are greatly influenced by our attachment types. The idea of attachment styles was developed by psychologists Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby. Its foundation is “attachment theory,” which explains the dynamics of human interactio...

Skinny Guys Can Win: Debunking Body Size Bias in Relationships

This is what my ex told me back when we were still dating. He was a total gym rat and has always maintained his strong and healthy physique. But as they say, looks can be deceiving. In his case, they definitely were. He may have looked like a Greek god on the outside, but he had the perso...

How Stretch Marks Affect Your Romantic Relationships

tretch marks are formed when the skin cannot go back to its initial form often due to pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, or puberty. I can add on that a lot of people feel insecure about stretch marks as they are perceived as “imperfections” . The image that the media tries to sell ...