Tag: Productivity

Boost Your Productivity with The 4D Approach

Did you know that over 100 years ago, a French engineer was onto something phenomenal that you and I can take advantage of today? His name was Henri Fayol, and although he was primarily known for his work in the coal mines, he stumbled onto a revolutionary idea. He suggested that all activities with...

Essential VS Code tips & tricks for greater productivity

Did you know that 73% of developers worldwide depend on the same code editor? Yes, the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey results are in, and yet again, Visual Studio Code was by far the most used development environment.   “Visual Studio Code remains the preferr...

I Used ChatGPT (At Work) for 6 Months. Here’s How to 10X Your Productivity

ChatGPT is more than your personal assistant. It’s a tool that can make you super productive at work! However, most of us only scratch the surface of what ChatGPT can truly offer. In a recent article, I talked about some hidden gems I found while using ChatGPT on my everyday life, but ...

5 Incredible AI Tools That Will 10X your productivity

Welcome to the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence, where innovation knows no bounds! AI has taken the digital landscape by storm, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and play. After ChatGPT, many Developers used OpenAI’s API and made some so called AI Tools that don’t even w...

5 More VS Code Extensions to boost your productivity

In a previous blog post, we delved into some Visual Studio Code extensions that can significantly enhance your coding productivity. But the world of extensions is vast, and here are 5 more recommendations that may improve your coding quality of life. File Ops A lightweight extension to im...

10 New macOS Apps to 10X Your Daily Productivity

I hope you are ready to supercharge your Mac experience because, in this post, I am going to introduce you to some of the best new macOS apps that will make your daily workload feel like a breeze. Once you are done reading this post, you can’t help but start to wonder how you ever lived wit...

Deconstructing the Genius Loci: How ‘Spirit of Place’ Influences Productivity

On the northwest coast of Turkey, my extended family has an olive farm. I try to travel there at least once a year to take part in the harvest. To most people, the farm probably looks like rows of trees, occasional piles of rocks, and mountains in the background. On a material level, that pretty ...

Cracking the Code of Business Success: How Data Analysis is the Ultimate Productivity Potion

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the pursuit of success has taken on new dimensions. Gone are the days when sheer hard work alone could guarantee prosperity. Today, a smarter approach is essential — one that leverages the power of data analysis to unearth insights, drive strategic d...

Boost Personal Productivity with Kanban and Apple Reminders

Intro — a simple new feature delivers real benefits What is Kanban, and why would I care? Why Kanban is useful for individuals Creating one-off Kanbans, Kanban templates, and Schedules Deep-linking and the Kanban workflow Every year, Apple enhances its stock apps, and in 2023, ...

Mastering the art of productivity without sacrificing the lavish lifestyle.

A successful businessman walks a thin line between quality time and managing the business. In this fast-paced world, there is a constant demand to be on the toes. In the world of opulence and success, an entrepreneur can find himself grasping for time. Balancing a thriving business, the pursuit of g...

10 essential VS Code tips & tricks for greater productivity

Did you know that 73% of developers worldwide depend on the same code editor? Yes, the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey results are in, and yet again, Visual Studio Code was by far the most used development environment. “Visual Studio Code remains the preferred IDE...

10 Best Productivity Books You Must Read in 2023

Are you looking for ways to improve your productivity in the coming year? Look no further than these ten books, carefully selected to provide you with the inspiration and tools you need to reach your goals and accomplish more in 2023. From time management to mindset shifts, these books offer a range...

How I Start My Morning to Maximize Productivity

The morning is by far the most productive time of the day for me. It determines whether I’m going to have an extremely productive day or just a pretty average day. I’ve realized that if have a really productive morning then it’s likely that the momentum and energy will carry on ...

7 Simple Hacks to Maximize Your Productivity Immediately

I use these 7 productivity hacks to optimize my day and maximize the amount of time that I have throughout my everyday life. Time is one of our greatest assets, a finite resource. It’s very important to understand how we are spending our time and deliberately be productive when we need to g...

3 Quick Productivity Hacks That Save Me 15+ Hours A Week

The “168 Hours” Exercise I want to tackle a phrase we’ve all said or heard at least once: “I don’t have enough time.” Just like most people, I used to think this was the main thing holding me back from pursuing my goals and dreams. But let’s ...

I Used ChatGPT (At Work) for 6 Months. Here’s How to 10X Your Productivity

ChatGPT is more than your personal assistant. It’s a tool that can make you super productive at work! However, most of us only scratch the surface of what ChatGPT can truly offer. In a recent article, I talked about some hidden gems I found while using ChatGPT on my everyday life, but ...

How to Use the 3–3–3 Method to Boost Your Productivity

I don’t know about you, but in my life and business, there’s always more to do. I could always continue working to grow my business. And I could always continue cleaning up and rearranging my apartment to be even more neat. This typically leads to a common problem...

Top 3 ways to boost your productivity

Do you find yourself juggling multiple tasks and projects, feeling swamped, and not knowing where to start? If you have a lot of things to do and don’t know where to start, it can be overwhelming. But there’s a helpful skill called “prioritization” that can make things eas...

The App Library Is the iPhone’s Most Underrated Productivity Hack

Digital decluttering is a self-help must-do and one that, for the most part, I’ve failed miserably at. I’m the kind of person whose computer desktop is the digital equivalent of picking up a stack of papers and throwing them everywhere. I regularly waste time scrambling through it when I...

This Productivity Method Is Changing My Life

Why lie, I’ve been influenced by Japanese culture a lot. I’ve been reading books by Japanese authors like Dazai Osamu, Kazuo Ishiguro, Hiromi Kawakami, and a lot more. Maybe it is their tone of voice that brings me comfort, or it's their eye for detail, how they explain even the m...

We’re in a productivity crisis, according to 52 years of data. Things could get really bad.

Author Note: This article was written over 60 hours with love and care using the blockbuster mental model. If you want to create high-quality viral content using the blockbuster approach, I have two programs to help you. Heavy weight: I personally lead a year-long, small-group training....

Productivity Is the Buzz Word, Efficiency Is the True Art

10 life-changing productivity tools. Why creating a meaningful morning routine will make you more productive. Top 10 Elon Musk productivity secrets for insane success. I’m sure you came across many such headlines, and I will immediately stop that kind of lingo right now. Because hones...

Why Saying No is the Best Way to Increase Your Productivity

Whew child! People will use you up! And they’ll do it for as long as you allow them to do it. You can believe that! I should know because I’m somebody who’s been used to the point of not even wanting to be nice anymore. There comes a point that you have to stop being &lsqu...

I’ve Tried 50+ Productivity Apps, but only 4 stuck with me.

General purpose note-taking — Notion Notion is the most versatile general note-taking app out there. It can be a water intake tracker, calendar, journal, database, second brain system, or anything you make it out to be. You can also invite other people to join you to work on your docum...

11 Basic Productivity Rules Most People Ignore In The Pursuit of Fancy Frameworks

There I was. Hunched over my desk in the dim glow of my laptop screen, frantically toggling between 17 tabs. Each screamed a different productivity framework. “The Ivy Lee Method will change your life!” one proclaimed. “Ditch that, try the Two-Minute Rule!” another reto...

Mastering Productivity: Lessons From ‘Getting Things Done’ by David Allen

Starting an online business can be a demanding and overwhelming endeavour. Juggling multiple tasks, managing deadlines, and staying organised are just a few of the challenges we face daily. In the quest for success, it’s easy to become buried under an avalanche of tasks. However, after reading...

Unleashing Your Inner Productivity: How I Learned to Balance Mom Life and Writing

Being a mom is a full-time job on its own, but add in the role of a writer, and it feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, am I right? But don’t fret, because I’m here to share my journey from time-management rookie to productivity pro and tell you that it is indeed p...

5 Stoic Habits For Productivity.

Productivity leads you to get more work done. Being consistent and more productive will lead you to success. Staying productive in this generation could be challenging because many distractions are in the way. At any given time, seemingly ten different things are fighting for your attention. If you&...

The Best iPhone Productivity App Is Hidden in Plain Sight

While gushing over Notion, Evernote, and other fancy apps, we’ve forgotten the goldmine silently sleeping on our iPhones. This goldmine is easy to use, syncs with your Mac, isn’t bloated with fluff, and has incredible versatility. Yes, it’s the default Notes app! Hold your...

Good Productivity Ideas Are Borrowed. Great Ones Are Stolen.

I’m sure you’ve heard the quote, “Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” The quote is attributed to Pablo Picasso, although there is some doubt. The point is that simply borrowing or “copying” (as Steve Jobs altered it) is not a good strategy when developin...

To Focus or Not to Focus… The Art of Balancing Productivity and Distractions.

In the battle of “To focus or not to focus,” the answer becomes more apparent when you consider the benefits of concentration on your personal and professional life. While distractions may seem enticing, the path to productivity is paved with focused effort and strategic breaks as we dis...

The Time Management Miracle: How I Went from Chaos to Control and Tripled My Productivity

Have you ever felt like you were drowning in a sea of to-do lists, deadlines, and constant distractions? I certainly did. My life was a never-ending race against the clock, with productivity always slipping through my fingers. But one day, everything changed. I stumbled upon the time management mira...

The 4 Pillars of Productivity

Cyril Parkinson quoted this Law in a humorous way in his article, “The Economist” in 1955. He talked about a Lady who had the aim of sending one postcard every day. The job could be done in 5 minutes but instead she spent multiple hours of the day collecting the perfect postcard, writing...

Five things I do to improve my productivity!

I always look for things that can increase my productivity. Here are the five things that I do on daily basis. Hi, My name is Vinay Kesharwani & I am the Founder of ScriptMint. I am a Full Stack Web Developer working. I am located in small district in India & I work from Home. I c...

I decline meetings by default. This is how it boosted my productivity.

Five simple calendar changes and meeting habits will boost your productivity. Time is the most precious thing to have. No matter the amount of other resources, there will be no creation, production, or service if there’s no time left. Even the most trained and skilled basketball player need...

Time Mastery: Unlocking Your Productivity

Time is a finite resource, and how you manage it can significantly impact your productivity and overall quality of life. In our fast-paced world, the ability to master time is a skill that can set you apart and lead to greater success. This article explores the art of time mastery and how it can unl...

Chaos and Whim can destroy your morning, day or week. Learn how to defend from these nefarious productivity destroyers

A schedule defends from whim and chaos. It is the net for catching days” Anne Dillard. Anne was an insightful person. How many times have you rocked up to work and worked very, very hard but seemed to get nothing done? You were busy, busy, busy but in reality, you were a busy fool. T...

The 12 best productivity books for creatives

Most productivity systems don’t work for creatives. The truth is, from the outside, a lot of things we do don’t simply look like work at all. We need time we can ‘waste’, spaces where we’re allowed to be inefficient and unproductive. We need to play and explore, to d...

Identifying the Top 3 Time Bandits : Reclaim Your Productivity

In “The 4 Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss, the author categorizes 3 principal offenders, that prevents our proudctivity: Time Wasters — Things can be ignored with little or no consequences (eg. meetings, web surfing, checking unimportant news) > What to do?&n...

Tasks that Pair Well: Multitasking for productivity

Life can get pretty hectic, and we all want to make the most of our time. One trick to make things easier is multitasking appropriate tasks, which is like doing a couple of things at the same time without losing productivity. But, not all tasks fit for multitasking. Let’s explore 19 clever ...

Mastering Productivity: Appearing Busy Without Wasting Time

We’ve all been there — you arrive at work with no urgent tasks on your plate. You’ve caught up on emails, finished your current projects, and now you find yourself with some unexpected free time. While a little downtime can be nice, looking obviously unproductive for too long can b...

3 Game Changing Tips To Skyrocket Your Daily Productivity

There are not 24 hours in the day. Sleep makes up 8 hours. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, showering, commuting, etc. take another 2 hours. That leaves us with 14 usable hours for our dreams and goals. We must use these 14 hours as efficiently as possible. However, this does not involve working for ...

The best AI productivity tools in 2023

ChatGPT has become the go-to for everything from full blog posts to coding queries, and the results have been astounding. AI tools are becoming more popular, which is changing how work is done. Integrating this technology may still be hard, but the benefits are clear. Although ChatGPT has gained ...

The Dark Source of My Extreme Productivity

Coping mechanisms… We all have them (to one degree or another.) Some prefer alcohol, food, or drugs to calm the nervous system and silence those “pesky” emotions. Others use video games or endlessly scrolling on social media to “numb out.” In small doses, t...

I Love The Productivity App Tana, But This One Thing Makes Me Sad

I recently plunged back into it and used it for most areas of my life. Organising. Todos, dates, organising different types of writing — and this time, I feel like I have got a better grip on the legendary Super-Tag. The new dedicated page for each super-tag is incredible. I can ...

How To Maximise Productivity When Working From Home — Part 1

“Working from home” — is it a boon or a bane? I’ve come across an assortment of workstyles among people, some couldn’t wait to get back to the office spaces and others who have now accommodated themselves to avoid the conventional work-life. Workplaces are pacing up to ...

How are IT companies improving their Employee Productivity?

A worker’s productivity refers to the output produced. The output can be the number of units manufactured, sales closed, or tasks completed during a given time. However, high productivity can not be associated with the success of the business. Employers bring effectiveness and quality into the...

The Impact of Employee Benefits on Company Productivity

Employee benefits play a crucial role in shaping a company’s culture, retaining top talent, and ultimately affecting its productivity. In today’s competitive job market, businesses must offer more than just a paycheck to attract and retain skilled employees. This article explores the sig...

Active Listening Facts and Stats to Boost Productivity

Since the dawn of civilization, humans have applied effective communication in building cities and developing complex thoughts. Through constant and open communication comes collaboration, problem-solving, and progression. And at the core of quality conversations lies the art of active listenin...

Boosting Team Productivity: 8 Basic Tactics That Work

Having productive teams is crucial for the success of any organization. However, with constant distractions and shifting priorities, it can be challenging to maintain focus. As a leader, it is your responsibility to implement systems that enable your team to perform their best work. Apply these 8...

How to Identify Your Peak Productivity Hours During Your Work Day

Just as a skilled tango dancer weaves their body with the rhythm of the music, you can waltz with the tempo of your productivity. And the secret lies in unlocking the riddle of your chronotype. A chronotype, in the simplest terms, is your body’s unique melody. It’s a biological...

Day 2: Establish a morning routine for productivity and mindfulness.

Mornings hold immense potential. Sharing this powerful morning ritual combining mindfulness, physical activity, and a deep connection with nature. 5:00 AM — Wake Up with Intent Photo by Bayarkhuu Battulga on Unsplash Begin your day by waking up early, allowing am...

Time, toxic productivity and urgency cultures in non-profits: part 1

This is the first of a two-part blog. In part 1, I explore how cultures of urgency and time-management approaches are affecting non-profit staff and the impact of the work they are able to do. I take an intersectional lens to understand how dominant approaches to time management interact with system...

How to Boost Productivity and Confidence as a Project Manager

With nearly two decades of experience as a project manager, I have worked alongside many talented professionals in the field. However, it's become evident over the years that some project managers, particularly those who are relatively inexperienced, often misconstrue the essence of their rol...

I Decline Meetings by Default. This is How it Boosted My Productivity.

Five simple calendar changes and meeting habits will boost your productivity. Time is the most precious thing to have. No matter the amount of other resources, there will be no creation, production, or service if there’s no time left. Even the most trained and skilled basketball player need...

Maximizing Productivity: Overcoming Meeting Overload and Low-Productive Meetings

Attending numerous meetings in today’s fast-paced business environment has become a common challenge for management teams. Unfortunately, many of these meetings are often unproductive, resulting in wasted time and decreased efficiency. Organizations need to reevaluate their approach to meeting...

Five things I do to improve my productivity!

I always look for things that can increase my productivity. Here are the five things that I do on daily basis. Hi, My name is Vinay Kesharwani & I am the Founder of ScriptMint. I am a Full Stack Web Developer working. I am located in small district in India & I work from Home. I c...

Zen Secrets to Overcome Laziness and Embrace Productivity

At the core of Zen philosophy is mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the moment. Laziness often arises from a lack of awareness and a tendency to dwell on the past or worry about the future. By practicing mindfulness, you can bring your attention to the task at hand and bre...

ADHD And Productivity: What They Don’t Tell You

I’m a successful communications professional. I’ve been in the field for about three years, scoring one promotion every year, going from intern to senior in that time. Yet I have at least one day a week when I do the bare minimum. If I had a camera crew to film a day in my life, depen...

Quit alcohol to get 1 sneaky great productivity benefit

One of the funniest ways I ever deluded myself into thinking alcohol intake was a good idea was by convincing my brain that it actually gave me energy. Every day between about 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., I’d hit a huge wall physically and mentally. No amount of coffee was enough to...

How I Get It All Done: Some Rules for Productivity

We all have the same amount of time — seven days in a week, twenty-four hours in a day, sixty minutes in an hour, sixty seconds in a minute. We’re all doing things in the time we have whether they move us closer to our goals or further. Either way, we can’t do more than sixty secon...

“Hey Siri, Add This Note To Notion” just became your productivity superpower

As soon as I set up my Notion databases to organize my ideas, I immediately wanted to be able to add ideas to Notion during my daily walk just by using my voice. I headed to Google for a solution and, after reviewing a few options, found a great tutorial — big shout out to Matthias Fra...