Active Listening Facts and Stats to Boost Productivity

<p>Since the dawn of civilization, humans have applied effective communication in building cities and developing complex thoughts. Through constant and open communication comes collaboration, problem-solving, and progression. And at the core of quality conversations lies the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">art of active listening</a>.</p> <p>Modern workplace culture should feature active listening as a core prerequisite. Through active listening, leaders can better comprehend employee preferences and concerns to formulate organisational strategies that drive an engaged workforce.</p> <h1>Demystifying Active Listening</h1> <p>Active listening is the practice of giving full attention to a speaker. The process differs from passive listening, where listeners simply outline the speaker&rsquo;s intentions or rush for their turn to speak. Active listening includes verbal and non-verbal cues, where listeners display interest (i.e., nodding the head, smiling, or affirmative responses), encouraging speakers to share further thoughts.</p> <h1>People Spend 55% of Their Time Listening</h1> <p>According to research, people spend most of their time listening but only<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;retain 25% of the information</a>&nbsp;received. Translated into organisational terms &mdash; leaders may be missing out on a large amount of valuable feedback through the limitations of conventional listening.</p> <p>Active listening can significantly increase the information accrued in communication.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>