Identifying the Top 3 Time Bandits : Reclaim Your Productivity

<p>In &ldquo;The 4 Hour Work Week&rdquo; by Tim Ferriss, the author categorizes 3 principal offenders, that prevents our proudctivity:</p> <ol> <li><strong><em>Time Wasters</em></strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Things can be ignored with little or no consequences (eg. meetings, web surfing, checking unimportant news)</li> </ol> <p>&gt;&nbsp;<em>What to do?</em>&nbsp;<strong>Remove them&nbsp;</strong>all from your life. Limit the time of uncessary meeting, have a tool that helps you stop spending too much time on surfing on internet. Unsubscribe all garbage news and emails.</p> <p>2.&nbsp;<strong><em>Time Consumers</em></strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Necessary repetitive tasks or requests that need to be completed; but not as high-prority. (eg. product assistant, customer support, sales or status reporting, cleaning, cooking; majority of chores, etc)</p> <p>&gt;&nbsp;<em>What to do?&nbsp;</em><strong>Batch processing and automiation</strong>. If it&rsquo;s repeditive, tedius, let&rsquo;s see if we can do it as a bulk, batch processing. Focus on making things automated as possible so that you don&rsquo;t have to waste too much time on it. Cleaning? Buy an robot cleaning machine, cooking? see if you can outsource that.</p> <p>3.&nbsp;<strong><em>Empowerment Failues</em>&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; Things that needs someone&rsquo;s approval to make something small happens (eg. missing package, follow-up with cash expenditures)</p> <p>&gt; What to do? Define if a task need your intervention or action or not. is it income generating or not, if so, can it be outsourced? If the answer is yes, then let&rsquo;s outsource. Follow the flowchart from the 4HWW book.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>