Tag: Practice

Gradient Boosting from Theory to Practice (Part 2)

In the first part of this article, we presented the gradient boosting algorithm and showed its implementation in pseudocode. In this part of the article, we will explore the classes in Scikit-Learn that implement this algorithm, discuss their various parameters, and demonstrate how to u...

Practice makes a man perfect, it’s a lie.

Practice, practice, practice; practice doesn't make you perfect; practice makes improvement. Yes, the quote we've been told since our childhood: "Practice makes you perfect." No, it doesn't; it only brings improvement. Wondering why I'm saying this? Think about a famous ...

Practice Listening!

A friend of mine recently had some serious issues within her home. Her daughter, who suffered from a mental illness, was suffering and causing the entire household to suffer along with her. My friend’s daughter was of legal age and was refusing treatment of any kind. She had been fired f...

You Don’t Have To Practice For Years.

Beautiful run this was today. Just enjoyed the whole run. Yes it was a combination of run, jog, walk. Completed 14 kilometers (as per Strava it’s 14.56 kms) in 116 minutes at around 8km/hr. People throw the jacket when the run starts to donation ! Honestly I was not ready for this :) Som...

A Practice in Emergence: Creating Resist’s New Theory of Change, Strategic Priorities, and Culture of Care

In our last piece, we asked ourselves, “what are the small steps we can take to shift power?” This piece is in part an answer to that question and our first time publicly sharing our story of transformation. As we experiment with what it looks like to be a foundation that is...

How to Practice the Art of Detachment in 4 Steps.

Most of us understand that detachment plays an imperative role in building a healthy and harmonious relationship with ourselves and with others. However, words are easier said than done. We long for detachment, but we might struggle to find the proper way to practice it. Oftentimes, we ...

How This Buddhist Practice Is Helping My Christian Life.

Prayer is a conversation with God. It’s not a request hotline where you ask for your enemies to be smite, smote and ground down into smithereens. This might seem obvious to some people, but growing up in a Pentecostal church, the phrase ‘die by fire’ was very common...

Waking Up to Dharma: Reflecting on a Decade of Practice

We see this in Dhamma too — there is not a single moment in which the five aggregates are not clinging. The notion that practice can wait, is a misconception I’m slowly waking up from. Retraining the way in which one’s body-mind system is oriented towards the world is a gradual pro...

Why It Is Time For More Ethics in Sadhu Board Practice

I hear it all the time: that there is one thing that will cure all your ills. I heard from a woman, once, that her one ‘thing’ was multifaceted: what cured her ills was marijuana, yoga, and a raw diet — I give her props for originality! If I was high all the time, maybe I’...

Christianity and Judaism— Similarities and Differences in Belief and Practice

Christianity and Judaism are closely related and, in fact, Christianity has evolved from Judaism. Out of all major world religions, Christianity and Judaism are typically regarded as the most similar. Today, there are around 2.2 billion followers of the Christian faith and 14 milllion followers...

Astrology: the teaching of Virgo about tàijíquán

The practice of tàijíquán as well as that of Chinese kung fu of many other schools, includes the slow and detailed repetition of each movement and the deep practice of each single posture. Slow movement is a way of programming the body for the final practice, controlling ever...

Here’s Why An Abundance Practice Can Be Simple and Profound

Developing an abundance practice will help you feel abundant within and without. An abundance practice breaks scarcity programming and reinforces healthy programming. As we go through our day-to-day lives, we encounter programming. Programming is the social norms that govern our world. We have pr...

Why I do not practice law | Practicing Law Sucks

When people think about the practice of law, they think that there will be arguments about truly monumental issues that significantly improve society for the better. So it probably is demoralizing to a lot of new lawyers to realize that opposing counsel will write hostile messages because one did no...

Unlocking Efficiency: 10 Ways AI-powered Legalbots Revolutionize Legal Practice

Legalbots excel in automating repetitive tasks such as document review, contract analysis, and due diligence. For instance, they can swiftly review contracts, extract crucial clauses, and flag potential discrepancies, significantly reducing the time spent by legal teams on these tasks. Leg...

From Fear to Flourish: Embracing AI to Supercharge Your Law Practice or Business

As an IP lawyer, AI-driven legal tech consultant, and founder of innovative businesses like Legally BlissedⓇ and Advogence™️, I’m here to show you how to supercharge your law practice or business by embracing AI and adopting the right mindset when doing so. Technology intimidates ...

Rehoming 101: The Legal (And Devastating) Practice of Sending Adopted Kids Back

What’s rehoming? It’s the practice of adopting children and then sending them back to the adoption agency — or using sites like Facebook to find them a new home — when they’re no longer wanted. As a Rehoming 101 for public awareness, this ongoing series/investigative...

Wan Lin: My Practice On Strategy

I’m delighted to be here today to talk about strategy. I find strategy a bit difficult to explain, so I’d like to start by talking about my own experiences. If we were to talk about strategy purely in terms of methodology, you’d be better off reading a book, which would definitely ...

Another One Bites the Dust — Target Practice on Humans

Americans may lament the passing of more people targeted as substitutes for beer bottles on stumps, but I suspect they get something out of the emotional roller coaster of other people’s misery. Comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin. They both produce hormonal responses that bre...

A Journey of Belonging: Embodying White Antiracism as an Ancestral Practice

White supremacy, heterosexism, transphobia, ableism, capitalism are systems of oppression that fog our souls away from knowing and believing in ourselves and each other. To love is hard, to heal is hard, to reveal the pain is hard. How little we grow into knowing how to care and hold each other. How...

Upholding Indigenous Wisdom and Addressing Pressing Challenges: A Call for Sustainable Practices

In a statement released on Monday, Volker Türk, the United Nations’ rights chief, shed light on the crucial role that Indigenous knowledge can play in promoting sustainable resource use. Unfortunately, despite their valuable ancestral wisdom, Indigenous communities continue to face discri...

Gas Law Examples and Gas Law Practice Problems

Ideal Gas Law Examples ex: A sample of H₂ gas occupies a volume of 8.56 L at a temperature of 0°C and a pressure of 1.5 atm. How many moles of hydrogen are present? ________ answer: ➞ PV = nRT ➞ n = PV / RT ➞ n = (1.5 atm) (8.56 L) / (0.0821 L.atm/K.mo...

Will tomorrow’s medical students Ever Practice Medicine?

In recent years, the field of medical education has undergone major changes due to the impact of technology, changes in healthcare and changing human needs. As tomorrow’s medical students begin their journey to becoming doctors, the question arises: Will they practice medicine in the tradit...

Fasting as an Ancient Medical Practice

Fasting has been widely used in the traditional medicine of various cultures around the world. These traditions have developed specific methods for fasting as part of a holistic approach to promoting health and healing. In Ayurvedic medicine in India, for example, periodic fasting is practiced...

I Started a Meditation Practice to Help Me With Sobriety, but I Found Something More

Long before I started a meditation practice, someone told me to take a breath and check in with my body. I had no idea what that meant, but it was worth a shot. She said, “Just take a moment and think about how you feel. How does your body feel? Are you holding your shoulders up near your ears...

Does smoking marijuana harm your meditation practice?

A friend with very little drug experience recently asked me if smoking (or eating) marijuana would harm her nascent meditation practice. She had a few follow-up questions, one of which was “have you ever written about this?” which caused me to turn our conversation into this post. Fir...

Did Vikings Practice Dentistry?

Vikings deserve their fame. They were relentless warriors whose raiding campaigns spread fear across Europe. They were innovative seafarers who populated Iceland and Greenland. They even landed on North America five centuries before Christopher Columbus. One thing the Vikings were not famo...

Taking A Look at Korean Bathhouses: The History, The Tradition, and The Current Practice

For most people, taking a bath and showering is the most personal and private thing to do yourself. It’s a moment where you can be by and enjoy yourself, cleaning and taking care of your physical well-being and body, and your mental health as well. Due to the nature of the activity, some relig...

Writing practice: My concerns about AI, but not as you thought

Since the emergence of ChatGPT issued by OpenAI, AI technology is in the spotlight again. Some obsess with ChatGPT as it can greatly improve efficiency, on the flip side, others worry that this new monster one day will conquer human beings. Artificial general intelligence will not become a realit...

I Built a Free Web App for Spanish Grammar Practice

As a Spanish learner, I spend a great deal of my language learning time working on grammar. I’m a big fan of grammar drills, but I find the traditional pen-and-paper method a bit too tedious. Ideally, I would want a simple app with exhaustive grammar exercises where I can practice as often as ...