Tag: Physics

Understanding Large Language Models: The Physics of (Chat)GPT and BERT

ChatGPT, or more broadly Large Language AI Models (LLMs), have become ubiquitous in our lives. Yet, most of the mathematics and internal structures of LLMs are obscure knowledge to the general public. So, how can we move beyond perceiving LLMs like ChatGPT as magical black boxes? Physics may prov...

Solving Inverse Problems With Physics-Informed DeepONet: A Practical Guide With Code Implementation

In my previous blog, we delved into the concept of physics-informed DeepONet (PI-DeepONet) and explored why it is particularly suitable for operator learning, i.e., learning mappings from an input function to an output function. We also turned theory into code and implemented a PI-DeepONet that...

Operator Learning via Physics-Informed DeepONet: Let’s Implement It From Scratch

Ordinary and partial differential equations (ODEs/PDEs) are the backbone of many disciplines in science and engineering, from physics and biology to economics and climate science. They are fundamental tools used to describe physical systems and processes, capturing the continuous change of quantitie...

A Concept from Physics Called Negentropy Could Help Your Life Run Smoother

Life is full of small decisions: Should I pick up that sock on the floor? Should I do the dishes before bed? What about fixing the leaky faucet in the bathroom? Leaving a sock on the ground is a manifestation of a concept from physics you may have heard of: entropy. Entropy is a measure of h...

VR Physics hands, the right way.

Intro/Preamble Throughout my time spent learning how to do virtual reality (VR) physics, I’ve seen a couple of examples thrown around about how to make your hands physically interact with the world. By physically interact, I mean when you move your hand or controller from one place to anoth...

VR Physics hands, the right way.

Intro/Preamble Throughout my time spent learning how to do virtual reality (VR) physics, I’ve seen a couple of examples thrown around about how to make your hands physically interact with the world. By physically interact, I mean when you move your hand or controller from one place to anoth...

TextEffects With SwiftUI and Physics

I’m a fan of SwiftUI. I have been using it since its launch in 2019. In those five years, it has come a long way and had many updates, although some argue it isn’t ready for prime-time. One of those prime-time features not available within SwiftUI is the iOS physics engine in the true...

Aristotle and Aquinas take on quantum physics

In the 13th century, physics was in its infancy. People still believed the Sun went around the Earth. The state-of-the-art theories of the day in Western Europe were 16 centuries old. The medieval period was also the naissance of arguments for God’s existence. These arguments were independe...

Concept of ‘Time’ in Vedas and How It relates to Quantum Physics

Kaala is a measure of time. The first mention of time is recorded in detail in Atharva Veda. I am very curious about the nature of time from Quantum, Mathematical, Philosophical, and Spiritual perspectives and hence explored the verses in the Vedas. Here is an account of what I could surmise. Rem...

Plasma Physics: Behavior of Ionized Gases

Imagine a state of matter unlike any other, where atoms shed their outer electrons and dance freely as charged particles. This isn’t science fiction; it’s plasma, the most abundant state of matter in the universe, making up over 99% of its visible content. While solids and liquids domina...

The 10 biggest physics and astronomy lies from 2023

The structure of the Fomalhaut stellar system is revealed for the first time in this annotated JWST image. A central inner disk, followed by a (likely planet-caused) gap, an intermediate belt, more planets (and another gap), and finally a Kuiper belt analog, complete with what’s been dubbed th...

The 5 greatest puzzles in fundamental physics

Does humanity finally understand the Universe? The formation of cosmic structure, on both large scales and small scales, is highly dependent on how dark matter and normal matter interact. Despite the indirect evidence for dark matter, we’d love to be able to detect it directly, which is...

You don’t have a thesis around Physics Informed Machine Learning? You don’t have a thesis around Physics Informed Machine Learning!

Okay. So generative AI is definitely having its moment — fueled, in part, by the pop phenom ChatGPT. There is no shortage of social media chatter around the good, the bad, and the ugly of large-language models, a sub genre of generative AI. Everyone’s a pseudo expert now. But … yo...

Biology, Physics and Chemistry

"Hey! Hey! Wait up!" A gasping Paul called out. Dora was walking fast paced, her only competition could have been a cheetah, a leopard was no competition. Wisdom definitely eluded Paul, he could run to the car she would eventually have take her home. She needed to greet her friends, or d...

Particles and Waves: The Dance of Modern Physics

In the mesmerizing world of modern physics, the interplay between particles and waves takes center stage, revealing a dynamic dance that challenges our conventional understanding of reality. This article embarks on a journey through the intricacies of this cosmic ballet, exploring how particles and ...

There is nothing to be afraid of in physics.

I am deeply committed to the belief that physics is not a difficult and incomprehensible subject, and today I will try to prove it to you! This course is aimed at “curing” this amazing science from the stereotypes that were instilled in it at school and in the meantime help you...

Einstein Was Wrong and Physics Is in a Hole

Standard general relativity predicts that the so-called spacetime around a black hole curves such that, for a particle approaching its event horizon, the length the particle has to travel does not change, just that the length is compacted into a smaller amount of space. The example of...

By Design: Unlocking the Mysterious World of Quarks in Particle Physics

Quarks are elementary, subatomic particles that form the framework for our understanding of the fundamental constituents and forces of the Standard Model of particle physics. In 1964, physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig were working independently on a theory for strong interact...

Physics-informed Neural Networks: a simple tutorial with PyTorch

I assume that you are already familiar with neural networks, mathematical notation and calculus throughout this article. Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) [1] are all the rage right now (or at the very least they are on my LinkedIn). But what are they? In this article, I will attempt to mo...

Role of Physics in our daily life

On our beloved planet Earth, a myriad of daily occurrences pique our interest, ranging from routine events to infrequent incidents. The realm of physics serves as the guiding force, unravelling the mysteries behind everything we witness and engage in, from the simplest rainfall to the most intricate...

All We Know about Physics of Time in 4 Pages

Since Einstein and since the first GPS system failure, we know that time speed is not constant, as our senses tell us, and as Newton thought. Here I give an overall perspective on this subject plus some new insights. I refer to chapters in my free eBook (also available on Google&...

Top Physics Project Ideas for Engineering Students

Physics projects offer an exciting and educational journey for engineering students. These projects enable students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, enhancing their understanding of the subject. In this article, we will delve into 15 captivating physics proj...

Wittgenstein, Tolkien, physics, and acts of subcreation

I haven’t always loved mathematics. I distinctly recall being pretty miserable in all my high school math classes and the rote learning they entailed. I started to feel a call to do it professionally when I took a required course called Discrete Mathematics. This course had no textbook and ...

Relativity and the physics of immortality

While this may confine a human’s dream of immortality to solutions that rely on technological enhancements or science-fiction level technology that relies on novel physical laws and/or phenomena, there’s still plenty for relativity to say about living forever: at least, relative to the r...

How to learn physics from scratch

Physics is a difficult thing to study. Not just because it requires a lot of mathematics, but also because it requires a lot of patience, dedication and time. Most people only learn physics in high school, and never touch on the subject again, perhaps they don’t need it, or they go into a prof...

Why is the Universe not Real (LOCALLY)?

You may have heard about the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to physicists who experimentally confirmed that our Universe is “not Locally Real”. This led to some sensational misinterpretations like Universe is not “Real”, Universe is a ”Simulation” etc..,...

Physics and Philosophy: The First Cause in the Context of Quantum Physics

The relationship between Physics and Philosophy is intrinsic and complex, permeated by a constant dialogue that seeks to unravel the mysteries of nature and the universe. Throughout history, Physics has provided Philosophy with tools and concepts to understand reality, while Philosophy, in turn, has...

Ahsoka Physics: Making a Hyperspace Jump to Another Galaxy

So, let’s say you want to travel to another galaxy in a straight line (we can assume that both the start and finish locations are stationary). How precise would your calculations need to be so that you don’t end up in the “void of space”. Since we don’t have the spec...

The Year in Space and Physics

Every week I send my email subscribers a newsletter discussing advances in space and physics. I am sharing this look back at the year’s newsletters with all of you on Medium. If you’d like to subscribe, you can do so for free by clicking here. As has become tradition by now, at t...

The Mystical Mathematics and Geometry of the Octahedron in the Structure of Reality — Introduction

Geometric and Topological Insights In mathematics, the study of polyhedra like the octahedron and their higher-dimensional analogues (the cross-polytope, such as the 4-dimensional 24-cell) provides essential insights into topology and geometry. These shapes help understand complex spatial rela...

Beyond Euclidean Geometry: NSphere and its Implications in Quantum Physics

Introduction Euclidean geometry has been the foundation of our understanding of space for centuries. However, as our knowledge of the universe has expanded, it has become evident that Euclidean geometry is not sufficient to describe certain phenomena, particularly in the realm of quantum physics....

Now you can solve geometry, physics, and calculus problems with Google Search | TheOrcTech

Google recently improved its search engine and Lens tool to make it easier for you to understand and solve complex problems in subjects like geometry, physics, trigonometry, and calculus. The update lets you type math equations or take pictures of them using Google Lens tool. It then gives y...