Einstein Was Wrong and Physics Is in a Hole

<p>S<strong>tandard&nbsp;</strong>general relativity predicts that the so-called&nbsp;<em>spacetime</em>&nbsp;around a black hole curves such that, for a particle approaching its event horizon, the length the particle has to travel does not change, just that the length is compacted into a smaller amount of space. The example often given to illustrate this is a bowling ball on a trampoline with another small ball orbiting it &mdash; this gives a rough-cut of some of the central ideas of general relativity; spacetime curvature and length contraction. The realities of general relativity are far more mathematically abstruse, and the underlying physical realities far harder to probe. General relativity famously sits at odds with contemporary quantum theory, and this is as true now as it&rsquo;s ever been. The quest for quantum gravity has led us into varying considerations, mostly however it&rsquo;s forced us to consider which particles mediate gravity.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/intuition/einstein-was-wrong-and-physics-is-in-a-hole-5e77f892b642"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wrong Physics