Wittgenstein, Tolkien, physics, and acts of subcreation

<p>I haven&rsquo;t always loved mathematics. I distinctly recall being pretty miserable in all my high school math classes and the rote learning they entailed.</p> <p>I started to feel a call to do it professionally when I took a required course called Discrete Mathematics. This course had no textbook and consisted of the professor writing problems in combinatorics or probability on the blackboard for us to solve as a group. Homework and tests were similar. This was a kind of math that I had never seen before. The problems were deeply practical, such as finding the probably of a royal flush in a fairly dealt deck of cards, but also required clever thinking in order to find the solution.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-infinite-universe/wittgenstein-tolkien-physics-and-acts-of-subcreation-2374f3a6a6a7"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>