Biology, Physics and Chemistry

<p>&quot;Hey! Hey! Wait up!&quot; A gasping Paul called out.<br /> Dora was walking fast paced, her only competition could have been a cheetah, a leopard was no competition.<br /> Wisdom definitely eluded Paul, he could run to the car she would eventually have take her home. She needed to greet her friends, or did he want to greet her friends too?<br /> &quot;Hey!&quot; The least he could do was call her name, I mean, they had never talked before, how was she supposed to know his heys were for her to respond to.<br /> The tree branch that hit Paul&rsquo;s forehead tickled the reasoning part of his brain, the medulla oblongata, I believe? to life, &quot;Dora! Dora! Turn around.&quot; He even said turn around, okay so thank you that branch.<br /> Dora turned, fluttering her eyelashes, something caught her eye, not Paul. No, Paul was a sweating mess. It was dust, dust caught her eye and she blinked it away. Paul gasped, he was out of breath but that wasn&rsquo;t the reason.<br /> &quot;Um, I uh...&quot;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>