You don’t have a thesis around Physics Informed Machine Learning? You don’t have a thesis around Physics Informed Machine Learning!

<p>Okay. So generative AI is definitely having its moment &mdash; fueled, in part, by the pop phenom ChatGPT. There is no shortage of social media chatter around the good, the bad, and the ugly of large-language models, a sub genre of generative AI. Everyone&rsquo;s a pseudo expert now. But &hellip; you&rsquo;re not just anyone are you? No. You have been entrusted by your LPs with millions, if not billions, of dollars to find those cutting-edge trends and companies that are going to create massive value for them in the future &hellip; and hopefully society as well. While a generative AI investment thesis might have served one well ~5 years ago when large language models began to emerge &hellip; now it&rsquo;s kinda &hellip; prosaic.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>