Tag: path

Demystifying Routing: Creating Your Own file-path-based Router

One trend that most JavaScript frameworks are adopting is to provide path-based routing. This means that there is a 1:1 relationship between whatever URL you want to visit and a special folder within your project, containing the route handler functions. That is to say, if you visit http://&l...

Python in Machine Learning: The Path to AI Excellence

In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Python reigns as the undisputed champion. Its widespread adoption is not a mere coincidence but rather a reflection of the language’s exceptional capabilities and versatility. In this article, we will delve into why Python is t...

The Path to Success in Data Science Is About Your Ability to Learn. But What to Learn?

Many great developments in data science have been made in the last decade but despite these achievements, many projects never see the light of day. As data scientists we must not only show strong technical skills but also understand the business context, effectively communicate with stakeholders, an...

The Path of Ease

“Breath by breath, let go of fear, expectation, anger, regret, cravings, frustration, fatigue. Let go of the need for approval. Let go of old judgments and opinions. Die to all that, and fly free. Soar in the freedom of desirelessness. Let go. Let Be. See through everything and be free, comp...

5 Life Lessons Learnt from Reading The Salt Path by Raynor Winn

There’s not a week that goes by when I’m not asked for The Salt Path or anything by Raynor Winn at work. She’s one of those writers that have been immensely popular in the last few years that I’ve never got around to reading. On a recent camping trip, I decided to t...

The Pathless Path- Book Summary, Notes & Highlights

This is a note I have prepared from the book, and Ali Abdal’s video. The video is shared at the bottom of the article. The Pathless Path is about reimaging a new story for work and life. Through unconventional experiments, trials and decisions, the author Paul Millerd presents a set of idea...

Critical Pitfalls to Dodge on Your Path to Leadership

In the ever-evolving realm of leadership, the journey towards achieving a status is anything but straightforward. It’s a winding road fraught with challenges, yet the most exceptional leaders rise above these hurdles. They grasp the importance of sidestepping certain pitfalls that can impede t...

The Path to Wealth: Strategies for Financial Success

Introduction Becoming rich is a goal many aspire to, but it requires discipline, determination, and strategic planning. While there’s no guaranteed formula for accumulating wealth, there are certain principles and practices that can significantly increase your chances of achieving financial...

Critical Pitfalls to Dodge on Your Path to Leadership

In the ever-evolving realm of leadership, the journey towards achieving a status is anything but straightforward. It’s a winding road fraught with challenges, yet the most exceptional leaders rise above these hurdles. They grasp the importance of sidestepping certain pitfalls that can impede t...

Following Your Path

I suppose to make this daily double creative responsibility a little bit easier, I’ll try to combine my current Inktober prompt and my weekly blog posts. Today’s prompt was “Path.” My ink interpretation of this prompt was a bit of a cutesy Halloween take, with a little ghost ...

Embracing The Path From Constraint to Creativity

The word “catalyst” comes to us from the Greek “katalysis” meaning dissolution. Catalysts can lead to good or bad changes. A catalyst can be a seemingly small event like meeting someone who sparks change for yourself or a major event that sparks widespread change. The pand...

Path to Glory — post mortem (JS13K 2023)

JS13K 2023 is (sadly) over. 163 participants around the world spent a month creating amazing web games that could fit in a 13kb zip file. The competition has been run every year since 2012, and I’ve been participating since 2013. It is my yearly excuse to write unmaintainable and unscalab...

Cloud Architect vs. Cloud Engineer: Choosing the Right Career Path

Two distinct yet interconnected roles have emerged as prominent career choices in the cloud computing space: Cloud Architect and Cloud Engineer. These roles are the backbone of modern IT infrastructure and are in high demand, offering excellent career prospects. But how do you decide between them? ...

My PATH Variable is a Mess

Introduction When you install a program, it often asks you to add a PATH to your shell config file. I do it blindly thinking, “This tool is cool. I want to use it NOW!” After some time you find your PATH variable is a mess. A lot of duplication or triplication of PATHs. It is time to ...

Edinburgh’s Path to a Tech-Driven Future

Here’s the text: To me, the city of Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful and cultured cities in the world, along with being one of the most educated — as measured by the percentage of graduates who live and work here. The city, too, is enterprising and the home to a growing number o...

“Embarking on an Unexpected Path: Where I Am Now?

Three weeks before the tumultuous event of Brexit, two months ahead of the global quarantine, and one year prior to the cracking of my financial stability, I made the bold move to Madrid. My initial plan was simple: a one-year sabbatical to recalibrate my life’s trajectory, sample the expat ex...

Charting Your Path: A Guide to Successful Immigration to Australia

Australia’s magnetic allure as a land of opportunity, stunning landscapes, and diverse cultures has led to a significant influx of migrants from all corners of the globe. The migration trend to Australia is a testament to the nation’s reputation for quality of life, economic stability, a...

Supported Independent Living in Adelaide: Your Path to Freedom

If you’re thinking about Supported Independent Living Adelaide, you’re headed in the right direction for more freedom, self-reliance, and a better life. Independent living specialists in Adelaide, in conjunction with NDIS providers Adelaide, play a crucial role in making this possible. S...

Off the Beaten Path

“Are you bringing toothpaste?” he asks, throwing things together last minute, while I’ve voted on each of my items for weeks. “Yes.” I remove the redundant jumbo tube from his pile. Having arranged our trip — airlines, hotels, dinners — my shiny new, f...

Trekking Upon an Uncanny Relic: the Fabled Snake Path

Do not let the name scare you. There is no snake on this trail. The name refers to the way the path zigzags up the side of the 350 meter/1150 ft sandstone cliff to the top of the plateau you see there. So what is Masada? To start out with, it is one out of the nine World Heritage Centers in...

My Struggles with Faith on the Spiritual Path

Attending a Catholic elementary school instilled terror in my heart, not faith. The slightest misbehavior resulted in a painful series of raps on the knuckles with a ruler. I felt too frightened to disobey. But even I once got caught whispering with another child during mass. As a punishment, we ...

Buddhism and Relationships: The Noble Eightfold Path of Love

The previous post presented truths 1–3. This post is about the fourth truth, the eightfold path. The eight fall into three categories: Right View and Right Intention are classified as prajna or wisdom. Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood comprise ethic...

Zen and the Art of Doughnut Making: A Sweet Path to Mindfulness

Imagine standing in your kitchen, ingredients laid out before you, ready to create something magical. The process of measuring, pouring, and mixing isn’t just about following a recipe; it’s an opportunity to be truly present. As you sift the flour and knead the dough, let each motion ...

Calculate Your Love Compatibility with your Life Path Number

Finding the appropriate life mate is a universal desire, and many individuals use a variety of strategies to boost their chances of success. Numerology, an ancient tradition investigating the mystical meaning of numbers and their effect on our lives, is one fascinating method. This post will examine...

Pluto’s Path Through Capricorn: Centuries of Transformation and Social Change

The late 8th century ushered in a period of cultural efflorescence in the Islamic world under Pluto's influence: - The House of Wisdom in Baghdad emerged as a center for the translation and preservation of ancient Greek and Roman texts. - The Islamic Golden Age witnessed advancements in scie...

The Reiki Path -Accept and Trust

As a Reiki teacher, I have had the honor and privilege of initiating many individuals to the Reiki path. This is always a beautiful and sacred event for me as well as the student. Lately, the memories and feelings of my first Reiki attunement have been flooding through me. I marvel at the changes in...

Humanizing the Criminal Class: A Path to Positive Change

In modern society, the ‘criminal class,’ that is, those with criminal records and the previously incarcerated, are often regarded as the lowest class. Cast aside, dehumanized, and stricken from basic human rights. Such an outlook has deep historical roots, reflecting a long-standing p...

Choosing Our Life Path

The story begins as the remnant of Judah, having survived the Babylonian siege, stands at a pivotal crossroads. Jeremiah, the prophet appointed by God, has just delivered a clear directive: remain in the land promised to their ancestors, and God will build them up and not tear them down. Yet, the pe...

Down the Dangerous Path of Degrowth

In May 2023, the European Parliament hosted its “Beyond Growth” conference, inspired by the concepts of “degrowth” and “post-growth.” The basic idea is that the world faces an extensive ecological crisis. To solve this, advanced economies, like the USA and Europe,...

Why a straight line is always the shortest path between two points in 2D?

Have you ever run straight toward someone you like, the moment you see them? If your answer is yes, then why didn’t you choose a more winding or zigzag route? Why does a straight line take less time than any other paths? In the 2-dimensional Euclidean geometry, the straight line from two ra...

Green Living Guru: Navigating the Path to Sustainable Living

Welcome to the Green Living Guru blog, your ultimate guide to navigating the path towards sustainable living! In a world where environmental consciousness is more crucial than ever, embracing green practices has become not just a trend but a necessity. Join us on this journey as we explore the benef...


This is an expansion on an earlier article I wrote several years ago. I’ve since had a lot more experience in the medicine world and after a rough count, I estimate I’ve witnessed around 2000 individual processes in a wide variety of people from all walks of life, mostly with A...

Choosing the Path of Integrity

Despite the financial success and comfortable lifestyle I had created for myself both times before leaving, I knew deep down in my heart there was a deeper aligned life calling I was not honoring. An itch unscratchable, poking at me until I listened. This is the story of my 5 year jou...

My Winding Path to a Career in Product Design — From Fashion Apparel to User Experience

Design: A Life-Long Passion For as long as I can remember, I have been designing and making things. It’s cliche to say so, but I feel like I picked up a pencil and paper before I could even form spoken sentences. Many more mediums followed, crayons, markers, paints, pens, you name it. So...

“The Path to Radiance: Best Whitening Capsules in Pakistan”

Glow Guide: Navigating the Best Whitening Capsules in Pakistan Navigate the world of skincare with our Glow Guide, leading you through the best whitening capsules in Pakistan. Learn the essentials of achieving a radiant glow as we explore the benefits, ingredients, and expert insights that make t...