Tag: Narcissist

Feel Like a Narcissist Magnet? The Reason You Attract Toxic Relationships

I was convinced I had a narcissist target branded on my forehead. Everywhere I turned, there was another narcissist, and I was the chosen target. Potential love interests, new friends, colleagues, you name it. It was like no one was safe like no one was healthy. After ending a long-term narcis...

My beloved narcissist

In recent years, we have been witnessing an excessive use of terms related to pathological personality disorders diagnosed and used by individuals who have no expertise in the field, no degree in psychology or psychiatry. The constant need to label and control everything that has to do wit...

Your Narcissist is Your True Soulmate! Here’s why

The concept of soulmates is so beautiful that it just convinces us to believe in it. All the romantic movies, romantic novels, and, of course, fairy tales that end with “and they lived happily ever after” are based on the concept of finding your soulmate. A soulmate is, of course, mostly...

The Kind of Narcissist That Keeps to Themselves

Out of all types of narcissists, the schizoid narc is the kind who, oftentimes than not, indulge in their own created solitude, albeit in delusion. And it simply doesn’t stop there. Schizoid individuals in general find themselves in the role of the “lost child” within a narci...

The Secret, Solitary Smear Campaign Of A Covert Narcissist

Covert narcissists will smear you. Not just when it’s over — while you’re together, too. Sometimes they say things about you to other people, straight out. They might tell people that you’re a loser. Or that they’re miserable with you. Or that you make their li...

Nature’s Narcissist

Atsome point over the long course of its evolution, the Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) developed the peculiar habit of staring at its reflected image in the still waters of the swamps that it calls home. This mirror gazing does nothing to advance either of the bird’s main...

How to get a narcissist to chase you

You may feel like you’re always chasing the narcissist. The narcissist does not respond to your messages, does not answer your calls, disappears, and uses ghosting. Maybe you want it to change, maybe you want his attention, maybe you want to feel that you are important to him, so you may want ...

The Cheating Narcissist Will Ultimately Leave Their Spouse

The narcissist may indulge in emotional or sexual affairs when they crave satisfaction from sources other than their spouse. Cheating isn’t always due to a physical deficit; it also involves emotional, spiritual, or mental desires. When individuals emotionally, psychologically, or physic...

How The Narcissist Categorises You

The narcissist conditions their target to admit weakness. They will pounce on an admission of inferiority, or a stutter, or you waking up late compared to them. On the other hand, when the target brags or achieves something great, the narcissist puts it down. As the target then feels shame and admit...