Your Narcissist is Your True Soulmate! Here’s why

<p>The concept of soulmates is so beautiful that it just convinces us to believe in it. All the romantic movies, romantic novels, and, of course, fairy tales that end with &ldquo;and they lived happily ever after&rdquo; are based on the concept of finding your soulmate. A soulmate is, of course, mostly seen as a perfect love interest/partner who loves us, cares for us, helps us grow, and is a big part of our life.</p> <h1>The soulmate</h1> <p>I was introduced to this concept by a girl I was dating during my teenage years. She told me a very promising theory enthusiastically, which I believe most of you must have heard of. The theory is also called the twin flame theory or the concept of soulmates.</p> <p>She explained to me that we humans used to have two pairs of legs, two heads, and two hearts, but one soul. This one soul got split into two bodies. That&rsquo;s why we crave meeting our other half who completes us. This other half is the one who was part of us, who is our soulmate and our better half (I guess this is where the terms like &ldquo;better half/other half&rdquo; comes from).</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>